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Everyone was stumbling around the ship, the only two people composed were Robin and Zoro. You and Luffy were draped over each other as Nami tried to keep dancing with Robin. Usopp and Chopper were dancing together, trying to convince Franky and Luffy to join them. You laughed thinking chopper was cute, Brook trying to learn the dance but ultimately failing made you laugh more.

Zoro huffed and called them annoying as the cook swooned over the two dancing women. Nami soon came over and stole you from Luffy, allowing the two of you to dance to the sound of the ocean and wind. You both drunkenly laugh as it becomes harder and harder to dance properly. Luffy pouts at you wandering off but joins the boys in dancing as brook starts to play music.

Even though you were intoxicated your wounds were starting to hurt, so you sat on the railing of the boat and watched everyone parade around in joy. You still weren't fully recovered from your previous wounds, so these are affecting you more than they normally would have. It was completely dark now, the only light was the half-moon above the ship, along with the stars that surrounded it. As it became harder and harder to keep your eyes open, you gave in and yawned. Understanding the message that your body was giving you, you told everyone you were heading to bed, Nami and Robin following close after you.

Once ready for bed you could feel all the tension from today completely melt off of your shoulders and become nothing but forgotten pointless worries. The captain pushed his way into the sheets with you, his face instantly buried into your neck, he took a deep breath inhaling your scent as he relaxed. "You came back hurt." Hearing the concern in his voice you snuggled closer to the male and gave him a small chuckle.

"I'm okay, don't worry." Enjoying the thoughtful side of your captain, you squeezed his hand as you fell asleep with your back against his chest.

~ morning ~

The morning was peaceful, it was the same old routine that you did every morning. Wake up, bathe, dress, eat breakfast, train, etc. Nami was excited that the log pose would reset soon meaning we could leave the marine-infested island. Zoro soon found your mess of marines as he wandered the forest with Usopp making sure no one was spying on them; only because you warned him of the stray marines.

He was impressed that you handled yourself so well due to your previous situations of always getting captured, though he would never tell you. You and Nami were training together, you were helping her with hand-to-hand combat skills as Robin watched the two of you spar. The two of you repeatively begged her to join the training session, but she would always just shake her head and chuckle - putting her nose back into the book she was reading.

You had Nami pinned to the ground when you heard footsteps start running toward the two of you, Franky looked distressed while running in the direction of the captain. Feeling his panic you stood up and started to look in the direction he ran from to see three marine ships heading your way. Running over to the side of the ship you yelled for the two idiots in the forest to come back to the ship so you could escape out to see. On the sea, you were pretty strong, and you wanted to test the power of your currents along with your trident. Your ability to control the ocean was unknown to the military so it puts all of you at a huge advantage.

You watch as two figures emerge from the forest, hearing the sound of cannons going off. The sound of their bickering becoming quiet from how loudly the cannonballs crashed into the water. Running to the edge of the ship you faced the marine ships, noticing on the middle ship stood Akainu with a proud stance looking right back at you. While they were still a bit away it was hard not to recognize him, growling you threw your trident into the ocean, using a current to carry it and launch it in his direction. Your trident stabbed into his white coat and through the floor of the deck, you could hear the commotion as they tried to unlodge it from the floor so he could move.

Akainu lets the coat fall to the ground as he rips your trident up from the floor, holding it in his hands. You summon your trident back to you but as he starts to feel it slip he grabs it as hard as he can and pulls, your body lunged forward as if he pulled you and you fell off the edge of the ship and into the ocean. Pissed at the fact that he now held your weapon you were determined to get it back. Sending yourself into a current you flew through the sea, leaving a large wake in the water. The ships started to rock and crach into each other the closer you got, you sent a huge current up through the front of the middle ship, destroying the front of the ship, you watched as debris and chaos fell into the water. Continuing forward you stuck your hand out and summoned your weapon once you saw it falling into the water.

Once back in your hand you shot yourself upwards to catch some air, unable to hold your breath for much longer. Gasping for air you manitaned a current of water that wouldn't break the surface, allowing you to pretty much stand on top of it. Watching as the marines on the middle ship jumped to the ships on either side of them, escaping the sinking ship. The whole bow of the ship was blown off causing it sink quite quickly, the marines who got caught in the blast of water now in the ocean begging for them to drop the ladder. Panic ensued on the marine ships, and when you heard screaming from behind you turned saw your crew yelling for you as they approached you. Luffy stretched his arm down and grabbed you from the water as Zoro and Sanji prepared to leap onto the marine ships. Akainu safely made his way onto a smaller safety ship, trying to prepare an attack.

Once you made it on the boat you noticed more marine ships have become visible, the two that were right in front of you, and six more following not that far behind. Huffying you ran up to the front, the two marine ships in jumping distance, Robin Nami and Franky were stopping the marines from jumping on as Zoro, Luffy, and Sanji broke the ship into pieces. Zoro cut the ship down the middle as Sanji kicked down the main masts of the ship, Luffy making his way to the admiral. You forced a current to launch itself through the middle of the second ship, causing many marines to jump overboard. Chopper, Brook, and Usopp had joined the others in stopping marines from boarding the Sunny when Nami started yelling.

"The logpose has reset! Let's go before the reinforcements come!" The three boys pouted at the thought of leaving, having fun fighting together- especially against an admiral. Everyone on the ship kept rushing them to get back on as everyone took positions to be ready to control the ship and leave. You worked with Nami and used a water current to push the ship in the right direction since we were already low on cola. Akainu screamed at all of you as you escaped in the opposite direction, the loud rushing sound of water from the current pushing you engulfed his voice and silenced him from your ears.

The navy ships soon became smaller and smaller as you all got further away, stopping your controlled water since you were too far away for them to even try chasing after you. Sighing you relaxed against the side of the ship, your clothes still completely soaked from being pulled in the water- honestly just happy about getting your trident back safely. Sanji came over and started gushing about how strong you were, "Oh my, (Your Name)-chan you're so powerful!"

You blushed and waved him off, "Jimbei is way stronger than me this is nothing." Sanji had heard about the warlord from both you and Luffy but never realized how strong he must actually be if he's stronger than you. Luffy cheered and said that we should eat since he's hungry from fighting. Chopper came running up to you and hugged your leg with tears in his eyes.

"You're so cool (Your Name)" You blushd more and sweat-dropped at the reindeer and patted his head.

"Thanks Chopper, you're pretty strong too y'know" He let go of your leg and started to do his little dance of embarrassment because of your compliment. Luffy followed Sanji to the kitchen as you spoke with Nami and Robin about everything that had happened between you and the marines. Robin tearing up and relating with her horrible past experiences with the marines as well.

You all sailed to the next island, hoping for there to be an even bigger adventure with the rest of the crew.

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