Chapter 31

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"What's changed?" Bryn asks the question before anyone else can because I know that's what they're all thinking. Things are great, or at least better than the alternative as far as any of them were concerned, but there had been a very fine line we had all been living, and it had caught up to me the day Ian had become a spy. I had put that bit of information in the back of my mind, and didn't deem it necessary to bring forth, even though I see the look in Drew's eyes.

I'm not sure when Drew had become my new confidant, or why it even makes sense talking to him about Ian since he was technically my ex-boyfriend, but we make it work. It isn't that I don't think I can talk to Bryn about it— well, honestly, I can't talk to Bryn about it. She's so fragile these days, and I don't blame her, but my problems will more or less add to her fragile state, and I can't have that on my conscience. Also, I'd practically thrown myself at Drew last night in a drunken state which is reason in itself for us to bond. It's all very drama-filled.

"Nothing," I answer her, relief flashing across her face. The dark circles under her eyes let me know she's having trouble sleeping. I make a mental note to check in on her later. "We just need to be aware of our options." I glance around to make sure the vampires aren't paying any attention to us. The cool breeze feels good on my skin after being held inside the school gym for so long. I don't think I'll ever take my freedom for granted again. It's precious to me now.

I had decided to meet the three of them outside in the open. What better environment to plan against your enemy than right beside them? We all sit together under the same tree we had lunch under before the vampires had taken over when we had been in school. The picnic is a nice touch— Jen's idea. Right on cue, Jen replies, "I agree."

I continue. "I can sneak out and be back in before they notice anything."

"No," Drew says as if it's his choice.

"I don't think it's a good idea," Bryn adds. She grabs my hand in hers.

"I think you should do it," Jen says quietly, watching the others for their reaction. I know she's lived for the approval of others, so going against them must be hard.

"I haven't been tagged, and I need to do this before I am. I need to find out what's beyond the walls for all of us."

"It's a suicide mission," Drew counters. I expect as much from him.

"I'm not the same girl. I'm different." I leave it at that without saying anymore. They have their suspicions about me, I know, but we've never talked about it. I'm not backing down, no matter what they say, but I want them on my side. I need it.

"You couldn't stop them from keeping you locked up," he throws back at me.

I take a slow deep breath. His mention of the cage is daunting. "That will never happen again." He lets it go, but I know he'll bring it up later when we're alone.

"I don't want you to go," Bryn says. Her voice is low and quiet, and I miss the girl she used to be so much. I wonder if she'll come back to me one day. She is one of the main reasons that I'm doing this. I can't watch her waste away anymore, but I'll never admit that to her.

"I have to do this." I gently squeeze her hand. "Besides, I'm not doing it yet anyway." I see relief flash over her eyes, and I feel guilty for lying. I look at Drew, and he doesn't seem too convinced, but I'll worry about that later.

An alarm goes off, and it startles me. I can't get used to the gold bands strapped to their wrists. Drew and Bryn get up. Nothing is said because we already know where they're going. Donation. I watch them as they walk away.

Jen looks at me. "School starts next week." I guess it's the only thing she can say, although I know she's thinking about me leaving.

"Yeah, I'm looking forward to that." My dry humor does not go unnoticed; Jen smiles. I wonder then what it had been that had kept us from being friends before the vampires had come. She genuinely seems like a nice person, or maybe being fed off of by vampires and being held prisoner had changed her. Yeah, that's what had done it. A flash of her and Drew laughing at me when I had tried to explain to them about the vampires comes to mind. She had been awful. In fact, I can't remember one nice thing she'd done before this mess.

"That's me," she says right when her alarm goes off. She walks away, and I'm glad she can't read my thoughts. She's a different person now, nothing like the person she had been in the past.

"You're not thinking of doing anything stupid, right?" Watcher Guard stands over me, and I wonder how much he's heard. I feel the tip of my fingers tingle just a little, and curse my ability for the late warning. "Ian asked me..."

"I don't care what Ian said." I cut off Watcher Guard before he can say anymore. I bounce up off my hands and land in front of him. He takes half a step back, and I feel the tension between us. He's never trusted me, and now I know why. I was put on this earth to kill him, and nothing more. "Stay out of my way," I say before turning back towards the apartments.

I walk until I'm sure he isn't watching me anymore before deciding to take a walk around the whole compound. It's no longer called a town, not in my mind anyway. The school is still enclosed inside a barrier, but everything else is pretty much open, even the apartments, but there is one catch, well, a few catches... There are vampire guards posted at every road that lead out of town, not to mention the few that patrolled the streets. All for our safety, we've been told.

I walk the streets like some of my classmates. Other than my three friends, none of the other humans speak to me. If I'm on one side of the street, they will walk to the other, avoiding me as if I have the plague. I expect it. They've seen me with Ian, and rumors had spread. The latest is that I'm pregnant with his demon baby. I can't help but smile when I think of that one. I'm about to pass one of them, and can't stop myself from lightly touching my stomach. She quickly looks the other direction as if I've just confirmed the rumor, speeding away. Yeah, I have a mean streak, what of it? Sure, I'm supposed to save them all, still, this whole thing has been a pain in my ass from the beginning. I have to admit since Ian left, I've been 'bitch borderline' which is another word Bryn and I had deemed appropriate, Jen had been reigning queen of the phrase back in school.

"You know this is all your fault," my classmate says. She had been a part of Jen's group back when everything was normal and no one had to worry about donation. I turn around, but she's disappeared behind a building. I let it go; it won't solve anything if I run after her.

I make my way around the school's perimeter and back to the apartments before calling it a day. I have what I needed. I would normally be more reserved and watch the place for another week before trying to leave on my own, but I'm not sure how much longer I have before they'll deem it important for me to also have a chip. If it ever comes to that, I'm not sure we'll ever be free.

I walk back up the stairs, not wanting to take the elevator, unlock my door, and wait. Tonight, I'm leaving this place, even if it's just temporary.

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