Chapter 29

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When he pulls into the driveway, I don't give him time to fully stop before jumping out and running for the front door. My heart beats fast. I haven't seen Roselyn in months, and I can't stop the panic I feel. Is she okay? Has she been eating? I know it's nonsense because Roselyn has made it this far without me, but I can't help myself.

She's always been independent. She never asks for help with anything, but sometimes when she had an episode, I would wonder if she could pull herself out of it if I wasn't there to help her. Thoughts of her sitting at the dining room table staring at her magazines come to mind. That image wouldn't be so bad if it were only a few minutes, but imagine if it had been a few days. I shudder as I open the door, calling out. I don't hear anything, so I call out again.

"Well, lordy be, if it ain't my precious." Roselyn gives me a big smile. Her eyes crinkle up at the corners, just as I remember. I feel the wind rush up against my back, and I know Ian is behind me, but I don't acknowledge him. I look at Roselyn because she's the only one that matters right now. I run to her without saying a word and wrap my arms around her. "Well, now what's the matter?" I hear her say, and I'm dumbstruck. Does she not realize I've been gone? "I saw you just yesterday." She hugs me anyway, like there's a small doubt in her mind that maybe it's been longer. "Why don't you go get cleaned up, and I'll have lunch ready in no time." She's already stepping away from me and walking towards the stove. I start to walk upstairs when I hear, "I hope they didn't do anything bad to you like they did me." I stop at the first step and turn back to her, but she's got her head in the fridge now. She's having one of her days. I decide to give her a little time before asking her what she meant. There's always more to what Roselyn says.

I head upstairs into my old room. I'm at a loss, not sure what to do. Roselyn is fine and there's nothing I want more than to keep it that way, but do I just give in? Let things continue as they are and not fight? I have a feeling if I start to stir up trouble, they'll come for her, no matter how marvelous they want us to think this new way of life is. I sit on my bed and fall back in the thoughts I can't seem to escape from.

"You're not alone in this." Ian stands at my door. He always seems to want to help, but I wonder how much trouble he will get me in.

"That's what you said to me last time." I stare at the ceiling, not really paying him any attention when the weight of the bed briefly sinks before he pulls me up to stand in front of him. "So, when you don't hear what you want, this is how you act?" He's so close I can smell the mint flavoring of his breath. The deliciousness of it causes me to step forward, just so I can get a little closer. He traces the scar on my wrist with his thumb. The bite mark he had given me not so long ago and the slowness of his circular motions puts me on edge. I try to break free of the spell he has over me, but I can't. I'm lost. "I need some air." The words come out in a panic as I push him away and run down the stairs, out into the backyard. I stop and lean against the house, trying to calm my beating heart.

"Assassin." I hear his voice, and I know he's standing in front of me.

"Just leave me alone."

"I had to leave you. Believe me. I wouldn't have done it if I had any other choice."

I know he's still in front of me even though my eyes are closed, as if I can shut out the world. I feel him; his presence is powerful, more so since the bite. I try to put that thought out of my mind and focus on the present. I can't talk about the past with him. It hurts too much. "What will happen to Roselyn?"

"She'll go on as if nothing has happened but..."

"But what?"

"I can't tell the future."

I let my legs carry me to the ground, and soon I'm sitting with them crossed in front of me like I did when I was young. "I'm so confused."

"Why don't you ask her what she would do?" Ian leans back against the house, sliding down to sit next to me.

"She didn't even know I was gone."

"She knows more than you think and..." He pauses before continuing. "I'm beginning to think that maybe she was cursed early on."

"Cursed? You mean by a witch?" I start to laugh, but then I see the serious look in his eyes.

"Witches are real, and they've been known to work with vampires before."

"You think that's the reason she has her episodes?" There's no other way to put it.

"I can't be sure, and I don't think we'll ever really know." It's like he's at war with something.

"What?" I ask the question, but if Ian doesn't want to tell me, I know he won't say. I can't help myself though.

"It's nothing. Just go talk with her. I'll be back later. Don't go anywhere Assassin." He leaves me to my thoughts as I watch him disappear at the side of the house. His car startups and then he's gone. I have to walk to the front of the house to see it because I can't believe he's leaving me on my own.

I make my way inside and sit at the kitchen table as if nothing's changed, but it has, and I know she senses it too. "The vampires have control," There's no other way for me to tell it. "and the humans are slaves now." I watch as Roselyn puts a hand to her head as if she's heard too much. Her forehead crinkles up before she sits down opposite from me at the table. I reach for her, and when my hand touches hers, a wave of electricity shoots out. I jump back, but she just smiles.

"I've been waiting for that ..." She pats my hand and leans forward. "I knew they would come back, just like I knew they would take you like they did me." She releases my hands and continues. "You can't let them win. You have to protect them. We have to protect them." I start to speak, but she motions for me to be silent. "I know you don't think that I can do anything now." She looks down at her hands then back at me before continuing. "I was the best once." She speaks as I've always wanted her to speak... sane. "They didn't like it. I was taking out too many of their own so they punished me..." I sit back in my chair, not wanting to say anything that may stop her and send her into an episode. "But I'm needed now."

"Roselyn, there's nothing that either of us can do." My hands cover hers. She knows how I feel because she feels the same way; we should've done more to protect them.

She speaks to me, and I feel the emotion in her words. "It's time for my journey to end, and I'm not ending it in this house, cooped up waiting for my heart to give out." Her eyes reach mine, and she's not sad or angry, she's determined. "It's the assassin way, and I know you understand, even if you don't want to admit it."

I can't disagree with her, and although her mind is fine, what about her body? Age is never something we've talked about, but I know there's no possible way she'll be able to fight vampires. "What exactly do you plan on doing?"

"I was young once..." I'm starting to think she's losing it again "and I remember the power." She takes out a ring she had hidden in her housecoat. It looks to be made of copper, and the stone that sits inside it is a bright blue. It's not gauntly, but small in size, and old. "I knew when it was time I would remember everything." She looks at the ring, smiling. "This ring has held the power of those who came before you. It's precious, and you must never part with it until it is time. It's time for me to go, Meghan." She looks around as if she's hearing something. "I can hear them calling me. They say I get to come home now."

My eyes get blurry; I can't help it. I'm not strong enough to listen to her and not be affected. "I can't do this," I whisper the words at her. She looks so happy, so I don't want to say them aloud.

"Don't you cry. I'm going home now. My fight is over, and Meghan." She looks at me as she holds the ring up. "You are never alone." She places the ring on her hand and a bright blue light surrounds her, enveloping her whole body. "Put this ring on Meghan, and you'll know I'm near." I watch as the light grows brighter and brighter, seemingly lifting her off the floor before she disappears, causing the ring to fall to the floor.

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