Chapter 9

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No matter how hard I try, I can't get the look of devastation Drew gave me out of my mind. I have done it. It's done, but I can't help but feel a little guilty for lying. Drew will leave me alone. He thinks I'm dating Ian, and things will be the better for it. I just have to mention it to Ian the next time I see him. I wouldn't want him saying the wrong thing if he happens to run into Drew for whatever reason.

I leave the library. Drew left about ten minutes before me, but I waited because I needed the time to be alone. Lately I have been so stressed. There are so many things going on, but luckily, I managed to get at least one off my plate— Drew. I'm sad our relationship ended the way it did, but it's a relief to be done with it. I have other things to think about, like the fact that vampires are in the midst of turning my beloved town into a playground. It doesn't sit well with me, and that is where all of my attention needs to go.

As I drive home, I think of all the times I have shaken my head at Roselyn and her crazy ideas. I hate to bring her into this mess, but I see no other way to do it. She has information, and I need to know everything if I'm going to save the town. It seems to rest on my shoulders— well, our shoulders, per Ian. He hasn't said a lot since Drew interrupted us, but I am sure the 'see you later' means sooner rather than later. I have to speak with Roselyn because I wouldn't put it past him to just show up at our house.

The winding roads get me home sooner than expected. I must've been in deep thought and not realized how much time has passed. As always, Roselyn comes to the door to greet me. It's like she knows what time I come home. She keeps up with my schedule and says it's important she knows where I am at all times. I guess it makes a little more sense now, considering the vampire situation.

I wonder what she has faced in her past. Was it the same monsters that are a threat to the town today? I'm not even sure she can tell me a whole lot because even though she's been telling the truth about certain things, it doesn't mean she can keep all the facts straight. The years have done a number on her, and my guess is her abilities have taken a toll as well.

She has a smile on her face that makes her eyes sparkle. Her once dark brown hair is peppered with gray, but she is beautiful and must've had guys lined up around her in her day. The cane she holds by her side only adds to her charm.

I quickly take two steps and make it to the porch before her arms are around me. It's a little unusual, but I don't mind. I can't remember a time when she was so happy to see me coming home from school. I peek over her shoulder and notice an arrangement of spider plants on the corner table next to the rocking chair. It's a new addition, but in no way strange. Roselyn tends to get bored with the same surroundings.

I think it's better to have the conversation now rather than later, and the porch seems inviting enough. I motion for her to sit on the bench next to me. The bench had been handcrafted by my great grandfather, who built most of the outside furniture, not to mention the dining room table, so it feels right to have the conversation sitting on the bench together. The insects seem to buzz in agreement.

It isn't windy, but there is a cool breeze blowing, as if it's waiting for me to speak before it howls in protest against letting her in on my secret, but it isn't just my secret, it's hers too. She's been trying to tell me for years, and I didn't listen. I wonder how different my life would've been if I had known she had been speaking the truth.

There is no other way to say it. "Something happened on Friday." I wait a brief moment. "Something bad." My eyes go to hers, searching for just a hint of understanding.

"They came for you, didn't they?" Her voice is almost a whisper. She closes her eyes as if to shut out all the bad memories. "I knew they were going to come. I just knew it. No matter how much I didn't want it to happen, there was nothing to be done." She shakes her head to the side before opening her eyes.

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