Chapter 6

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We sit in the library across from each other, me with my earbuds in and New Guy with the intense stare he is slowly becoming a master at.

The library bolsters floor-to-ceiling windows on one side so natural light shines through, giving the feeling of comfort against the extra-long sofa that sits nearby. It's the perfect place for me to be alone, and has become a part of me, but now he is invading my space. The irritation can't be more obvious. I take my earbuds out, wanting to hear everything he has to say because I need answers, even though his timing can't be more off. I had come here after school to reflect on what had happened on Friday and what I had grown up hearing over the years. Roslyn is starting to make sense, and it's getting scary. I need to be alone, but now he's here, and I just want to relax.

I lean closer, trying to throw him off his game, but his eyes hold mine just the same. "Did you follow me in here to stare at me all day?" He sits a mere foot away from me on the large sofa. If he is trying to intimidate me, it's working.

"I think you know why I followed you in here." There is no playfulness to his voice like earlier when we met in school. Now he's the guy I met in the woods.

We are alone in the library except for Ms. Henderson, the librarian, who is putting books away on the second floor that holds a few study rooms for those wanting privacy. "What did you do with the body?" My gaze briefly drifts up to make sure there is no way she can hear me.

He seems annoyed by the question, "You really don't know?" He doesn't wait for me to answer. "Or are you so good at pretending?" He leans back on the sofa as if he has just found the answer he was looking for even though I have yet to utter a word in response. He leans back on the sofa and crosses his arms. "Exactly what do you know?"

I look around the mound of books, half expecting a camera to be pointed at my face, taking in my reaction of a prank played very well because the last few days were unreal, but to my dismay, I see nothing but an empty library. Looking back at him, his arms are still crossed, eyebrow raised slightly as if he's waiting for me to explain it all. "Remind me again of why I owe you answers? You were the one that," I look around quickly to make sure we were still alone, "disposed of a dead body, correct?"

His eyes narrow at me. "Look, I don't have a lot of time, so just tell me what you know." He leans forward. I get the impression he's trying to intimidate me.

My muscles tense. "Have you forgotten how good I am with a knife?" My hand slides to the pocket of my jeans.

He leans back on the sofa and places his sneakers on the table in front of the sofa. My hand drops to my side, away from the deadly weapon of last night. He gives me a lop-sided grin. "Do you know why you're so good?"

"I know that you're annoying me and this whole situation is weird." I stand up to leave.
"Sit," his simple word is more commanding than anything I've ever heard. "You're going to want to hear this." I make no attempt to sit. "Please. Just hear me out." I look around again. "We're safe here. No one will walk up on us without me knowing." I cock my head to the side, "Trust me."

"Trust you? I'm over this." I turn ready to leave.

"What came for you last night—lt'll come again."

I decide I need to know what he has to say so I sit. "Okay, so tell me."

"You're an assassin."

I'm not sure what I am supposed to do with this information, but the idea of me being an assassin is ridiculous. I burst out laughing, covering my mouth until I see the serious look on his face. I quickly recover under his glare, deciding I didn't like his stalker-like attitude towards me. "Are you done? Is that all?"

"Is that all?" He looks frustrated with my question. Good.

I get up to leave. It doesn't matter if he has the information I need. He's an ass, enough said.

"I'm... sorry. I just don't know how to act around people."

I can tell it's hard for him to apologize. He barely got the word out. His eyes are sincere, but his half-smile is pushing it, although he is trying. "Okay." I sit back down on the sofa.

"I think we can be of some use to each other."

"Go on."

"What you killed last night, there's more."


"Yes, and that's why I'm here."

"You're like me then?"

"No," New Guy slowly shakes his head as if he doesn't want to elaborate any further. "Nothing like you." He smiles then, and I smile back until I realize he isn't smiling at me. Instead, he's showing me his fangs. The beaming white fangs are different than those on the creature from last night. The creature had a mouth full while New Guy only has two.

I jump up from the sofa in a panic, managing to knock down the single book sitting on the table. This can't be real, this can't be real, this can't be real. I repeat the words in my head, closing my eyes tight. I decide that when I open my eyes New Guy will be gone and I will be a little crazy like Roselyn. I open my eyes and he's still there. Roselyn isn't crazy after all.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." When he speaks, his fangs are gone, and he looks normal, or what I thought was normal before last Friday.

My eyes find Ms. Henderson. She's still busy putting away books. I sit back down on the sofa. "Will you show me again?" He seems hesitant at first, but does so. Bright white sharp fangs hang just half an inch below the rest of his teeth, one on each side where his incisors should be. I'm not sure what compels me to reach for his face, or what makes me trace the fang on his right side so carefully with my fingertip. Maybe it is what happened on Friday or maybe it's simply the fact that the only guy I ever cared for broke my heart, and I feel vulnerable. What exactly am I doing right now? This is getting awkward. 

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