Chapter 16

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"Meghan, just because you're not going to school, it doesn't give you the right to stay in bed all day," It's Roselyn. Her strong voice carries upstairs, interrupting my sleep. I look over to my clock: six-thirty. I throw the covers over my head, knowing I'm safe. There is no way she's coming upstairs. I snuggle down to go back to sleep.

"We have to get started on your training." Ian stands at my doorway. I'm beginning to regret the roommate situation.

I peer out from under my covers. "It's only six-thirty." My eyes adjust to the light he had thought was a good idea to flip on. I throw the covers back over my head. "Are you trying to blind me?"

"No. I'm trying to keep you alive." I feel his hand snake around my ankle and pull. I think I'm about to hit the floor when he grabs both my wrists, holding me upright. "You were supposed to be dressed thirty minutes ago." He's angry.

"Fine. I'm getting dressed now." His hands still hold me in a tight grip. "Well, are you going to let me go or what?" I'm not sure what is bothering him so much. Sure, I'm late, but he's been around me enough the past few days to know being on time is not my strong suit. I look at him while he looks at me, and we both hold a glare for another minute or so. He releases me and immediately turns around, grabbing the clothes I had placed on the trunk at the foot of my bed the night before. My back is still to him when I pull my nightshirt off and pull the sports bra over my head. I finish changing. It feels good to know that I must've shocked him when I first pulled off my shirt. I bet he didn't expect that. The smile that lit my face vanishes once I turn around. He's still standing there. He hadn't left like I had originally thought.

"If you're done with your games, eat and meet me outside. We're already late getting started." He turns and walks out without another word.

I take the stairs, two at a time, smelling the eggs and bacon before reaching the bottom. My mood improves immediately, though I'm not sure how long it will last once I start my training. I'm beginning to think this day is going to be harder than the last.

"Meghan, I know they're here. I can feel them." Roselyn sits at the table looking at me, then back at the window that has a view of the front yard. I follow her gaze, but I don't see anything, nor do I feel any different. "No, they're not here right now, but they will come. I know they will." Still, I watch out the window. I know now that her feelings and crazy talk mean something. "You'll feel them soon." My gaze goes back to her, and she smiles. "Meghan, why aren't you eating?" She proceeds to butter her toast as if the conversation has never happened.

I pick up my fork, and even though I don't feel like eating, I make myself eat a few bites of the eggs on my plate before rising from the table. I know I should eat more considering I'm about to start training. Today seems like it will be worse than yesterday, judging by Ian's mood, but I don't have an appetite. Roselyn doesn't even look my way. Her attention is focused on one of the many books on the supernatural she has tucked away in every corner of the house.

I make my way to the backyard. It looks like Ian has started training without me. His moves are graceful and fast; I'm sure he can handle anything that comes his way. His form mesmerizes me as I watch him from afar.

"Great, you finally made it," he says once he notices me. His sarcasm does not go unnoticed, but I pretend all was well. "No weapons this time."

I take the stance he had taught me yesterday, watching him all the while and waiting for what he may tell me next, but all he does is walk around me, circling like he's waiting for me. I notice the scowl from this morning has not left him. He's still angry, so angry that he can't hide his emotions. He comes at me as the thought leaves my mind, but I'm lucky enough to duck low and miss contact. We go well into midday before he calls for a break. The sweat drips down my forehead, and I know I look a mess because not only do I taste my sweat, I can also feel the dirt all the way down in my bra and panties. It's just gross, but I'm behind in my training, as he has pointed out time after time today, so I'm willing to do whatever it takes to stay alive. I manage to grab the water bottle he offers me. I drink it down so quick, regretting it when it almost comes back up. Thankfully Ian's splashing water on his face and doesn't seem to notice I've almost vomited because his training is a death sentence in itself. He calls it a break, but there is no way that I will be able to keep up all day long at this pace. I look up, seeing him standing above me.

"You did good, Assassin." He offers his hand to me. I grab it and he pulls me up with no effort at all. We have spent seven hours training nonstop except for a sip of water every now and then, and it doesn't even faze him. I notice his eyes falter to my throat. I cover the area with my hand like that will stop him if he wants it bad enough. He looks back to my face. "Let's get something to eat. You've done more than enough today." His bad mood from earlier has vanished and in its place is the guy that I remember. My insides feel like butterflies.

My phone buzzes from the spot that I had left it earlier. I'm too drained to reach for it, even though it's only a few feet away from me on the grass. I decide that whoever it is can wait, but Ian takes the liberty of getting it for me and looks at my phone to see who's texting.

"You need to focus on your training instead of him." His demeanor changes the minute he sees who it is.

I look down at my phone which he still held in his hand. It's Drew. Of course. I know I have to focus on my training, but his sour mood change has gotten the best of me. For one, I haven't had anything to eat since this morning, and two, his behavior from earlier is still pissing me off. What is his problem? "Don't tell me what to do." My voice is steady and calm, but inside I want to scream.

"I'm only telling you what you already know." His eyes hold mine as if to challenge me.

"Actually, I'm meeting up with Drew later," It's a lie that I'll follow through with.

"You had to quit school because you couldn't be seen around town, and now you're going out with him?" His voice doesn't rise, but I can tell he's getting angry, and I don't even know how this all started.

"I never said I was going around town. He's coming here." I snatch my phone out of his hand and walk past him into the house. I need a shower and food, but I have to get away from Ian most of all. 

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