Chapter 20

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Roselyn is up early, making breakfast as usual. Everything seems to be normal, but it isn't.

I haven't seen Ian since 'the bite', and I'm really not sure how I'll act when I see him anyway. I look down at my left inner wrist. The two small puncture wounds are the only reason I know it had happened.

I don't know what to say to Roselyn, but she deserves the truth. She's been through so much in her life, and she needs to know how bad things really are. "The vampires are trying to take over the world." It sounds dramatic and over the top, but it's happening.

"I can feel the change coming," Roselyn says as she scrambles eggs. "Just don't let them take you."

"What if I can't stop them when they come and people die?"

Roselyn gives a little laugh. "People are going to die. Why would you think people wouldn't die? I swear the things that come out your mouth sometimes don't make any sense." She laughs again before taking the biscuits out of the oven.

I pretend she hasn't momentarily lost it. "I may have to leave."

"Would you like some blackberry jam for your biscuits?" Roselyn smiles as she passes me the jam. I take it and go through the motions of eating, knowing I'll need my strength for later. She never acknowledges what I've said, so I decide not to mention it again.

I decide I need to warn them, the humans. Time is a factor, and I don't know when the vampires will make their move. After breakfast and my conversation with Roselyn that goes nowhere, I decide it's time to start doing something about it. Maybe warning them will give them time to hide somewhere and escape what I know will turn into something worldwide.

I walk inside the Administration Office to pick up my assignments for the week. The secretary's nice as always and has a manila envelope full of papers. I take it from her. "Thanks. Do you think it would be possible if I checked my locker one last time? I think I may have left something in it." I'm convincing enough, and when she nods her head, I make my way towards the hall my locker's in.

It isn't that I can't warn everyone via text message, I just think it might be better face-to-face, so when the bell rings, I wait for Bryn to pass by. It's first period, so I know she'll be walking down the hall right about now. She sees me and smiles easily.

"Are you back?" Her shoulder leans against the lockers while she speaks to me.

"Remember what we talked about during lunch?" I see her smile drop immediately. "Something's happening soon, but I don't know exactly when. The vampires are trying to take over the world, and I need you to help me warn everyone."

"Meghan, listen to yourself. You want me to tell everyone that vampires are taking over? Do you know how that sounds?"

She has a point, but what else am I supposed to do?

"I know you've been through a lot, but this is too much," Bryn says as she starts to turn away.

"Bryn, wait, please, I'm telling the truth. You have to listen to me. You're life depends on it." She's already walking away. Great, the one person I had thought would believe me doesn't. How am I going to get anyone else on board if my best friend thinks I'm nuts?

"Vampires?" It's Justin Manor. He's a computer geek and also a big conspiracy theorist on anything involving the paranormal and government. He pushes his glasses up on his nose as he stands, leaning to the side with his backpack pulling most of his weight; it's green and looks like it's from the army. I'm not sure if he had gotten the bag at Goodwill or maybe someone in his family was in the army, if so, that would be even better. The fact that my statement has interested him is good enough.

"Yes, they are coming, but I don't know when. They will kill as many of us as it takes, and the rest will be blood donors." I sound like a nut.

"How do you know all this?" His eyes are skeptical, but the fact that he's still listening to me has me thinking.

"I'll prove it to you. Meet me at my house after school." I turn to walk away, thinking that I've done all I can. The bell's about to ring and I'm not supposed to be walking the halls.

"Look, Drew, she's here to beg for your forgiveness." It's Jen Harper, and I can't tell where she ends, and he begins. Drew's eyes met mine. Maybe this is his way of dealing with our breakup, or maybe he can tell something bad is coming considering the last night I had seen him, but either way he needs to be warned, and so does she.

"Drew, something bad is coming." He pulls away from her, and I continue despite Jen Harper's glare. "Vampires are here, and soon they are going to take over the world."

Jen Harper laughs so hard she has to hold her side.

"Listen, Meghan, I don't know what's been going on with you lately, but you can't go around saying stuff like that." Drew speaks the words like he's trying to comfort me.

"How can you say that? You were there last night."

"Nothing happened, Meghan. You were scared, that's it." He gives me a look of pity before walking away with a delighted Jen Harper.

"We need to warn others." It's Justin Manor. I'd thought he left, but he's still standing at my side, witnessing the whole ordeal with Drew. Embarrassing as it is, I'm glad that he'd stayed.

"No one believes me." I'm beyond desperate because I can't keep trying to warn everyone. There're still things that need to be done to get ready.

"Leave that to me," Justin Manor replies. He pulls out his computer from his army bag and hits a few keys before closing it. "Consider it done. Stay safe, Meghan, or whoever you are." He walks down the hall, but I have my doubts that he's heading to class.

I walk out the school, quickly making my way down the steps I've walked many times before. It's nostalgic and terrifying all in one. There's no way I'm going to save everyone, although I know I can't stop myself from trying. Roselyn had told me people are going to die. She had said it as if I should just accept it and move on, but how can I accept something like that? When the world goes dark, the humans will become slaves to the vampires.  

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