Chapter 24

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I had plans in the works to get out of here and rescue them all, but I'm alone now; they're gone. All were walked out yesterday, and I don't even know if they're alive. It's just me and Watcher Guard who doesn't talk much.

I think this was the plan from the beginning. I had been allowed to speak with them one final time before being thrown back into solitaire, just to make things that much worse. I should've known something was in the works when I had been allowed to see them.

I shakily push my plate away before taking a second to stare at the burger and fries. It looks good, downright delicious as all the food did. Thoughts of being butchered enter my mind as I take a deep breath, trying to calm my emotions. I'm probably about to die, and though the bloody thoughts of my death won't leave me, I can't give up. My mind wanders back to the food. We're always fed exceptionally, probably because they need us plump and juicy, but I can't eat it. I just don't have an appetite anymore. I'm not sure how much time I have left so food is the last thing on my mind. No doubt, this is my punishment for killing their own. I hear the key click and immediately jump up into fighting stance. I'm not going to make it easy for them. The others are probably dead, and now it's my turn. I brace myself by putting my left foot forward, raising my arms and watch Watcher Guard as he rolls his eyes at me.

"Time to go," Watcher Guard doesn't throw cuffs my way. He holds the door open for me to walk through it without being restrained.

The first thing I notice are his eyes, dark and forbidding, following my every move. He doesn't trust me, so I'm perplexed why he elects not to restrain me. "What's going on?" I don't step forward. There's no way they're just letting me walk out on my own.

"I don't make the rules."

I step through the door as he takes a step back, giving me just enough room in case I go psycho. "So, I'm free to go?"

"Not exactly, but if you do as you're told you just might be."

He follows me as we walk out of the gym into the bright sun. I hear my name called from the left; I think. Everything comes at me fast— my name being called, the sun directly in my eyes, and the sound of laughter from nearby.

"Meghan." It's Drew. He walks my way, nodding to Watcher Guard. He almost smiles at him. I wonder when they had become such close friends. Watcher Guard walks away so I stand there out in the open with Drew, and although it feels good to be outside, I know something is wrong. The numbness in my fingertips warns me.

Nothing has changed since my last outing, except my classmates walk about with yellow gold bands around their left wrist. They seem happy, or at the very least happier than they had been when they were in the cage.

"We just have to accept what's happening, Meghan," Drew says as his eyes follow mine.

I glance down at his wristband, wondering when they will fit me with one.

"There's a chip inside." He shrugs his shoulders. "It's not bad."

I suppose it isn't bad compared to being locked up, but then again... "What is—" I can't even finish my sentence. I look at my classmates walking around, laughing. "It's only been one day since I saw you last, and now you're all happy?"

"Don't judge us too harshly. We're finally out after months of being locked up," Drew watches them before turning his gaze towards me. "It's not so bad."

That is the second time he's said that, and I'm beginning to wonder if he's trying to convince himself and not me.

"Life has changed. There's no going back, but it doesn't mean that this new life can't be good."

"They put you up to this." The words fly out my mouth, fast and hard.

"No, no no... Meghan." He takes my hand in his. "I don't want any more of us to die. Now is not the time to fight, now is the time to live." He drops my hand, but his eyes still hold mine. I look away, not able to hold his gaze any longer. He's right. There's nothing to do now. This is the new world, and we have to deal with it.

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