Chapter 28

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I stretch out on my queen-size bed; it feels so good. The amazing sheets and comforter are so soft that I tuck them under my chin and almost drift off back to sleep when I feel a presence standing by my bed. I panic at first before realizing my fingertips aren't numb, so I'm not worried. Whoever's watching me can continue to watch because I'm going back to sleep.

"Assassin," his voice drifts to my ears, seducing the very being of my body. Ian.

"Just leave me alone." I pull the pillow over my head and hear laughter low in his chest. "We're not training anymore. You made sure of that."

"Assassin," he repeats, except this time a little louder. I can tell I've got to him with my last statement. Good.

"What's the use anyway? They're here." I roll over on my side, away from him.

"Assassin." His voice is like a steel blade— sharp and uninviting.

I throw the pillow to the side, sitting up in bed. "You don't care about me. You don't care about anything." I raise my voice, but I'm not shouting, not yet anyway. He knows better than to wake me up, yet here he is, and now there's no filter on what comes out of my mouth.

He's eyeing me as if he's not sure how to respond, but then his voice comes out, and it's not what I expect at all. "What can I do?" The warmth of it washes over me, and for a moment, I feel guilty.

"I want to see Roselyn," I say in a rush. I'm still half-sleep, tired, and now he's made me emotional. I blink my eyes and look away, suppressing the feeling. I won't cry in front of him. I can't. I probably won't stop.

His voice is so gentle it's almost like it's not him; I'm so used to him giving orders and instructions on my fighting skills. "I can arrange that," he pauses before adding, "Let's go."

I ponder the statement before it occurs to me that he's taking me to see Roselyn. I jump out of bed, not caring about my clothes. My t-shirt hangs to my thighs, and it's not like I'm showing my panties or anything; I don't really care what he sees at this point. He gives me privacy as he turns his back to me. I take this time to run to my dresser and grab an outfit of jeans and t-shirt before heading to the bathroom. I remind myself I should thank him for bringing some of my clothes to the apartment, but decide against it; it's the least he could do.

I'm still mad at him, but more so at myself for feeling the way I do. The mirror shows a slight redness on my neck where his tooth had grazed my skin. A shiver passes over me as the encounter comes to mind. I finish brushing my teeth and throw my hair in a rubber band before walking out. He sits on my bed, waiting for me, and stands as soon as I'm walking out the door. His manners have never been a problem. I walk pass him without directly looking in his eyes, knowing that'll be my undoing. "You coming?" I'm already walking out of my apartment when I feel a rush of air behind me; he's fast. It puts me on edge knowing he's so close. I can feel his breath on the back of my neck. Little bumps form from my shoulders, stretching down my arms.

"Cold?" He raises an eyebrow at me, a quirky grin on his face. He knows the truth, but I'll never admit it.

"Yes," I reply, stepping into the elevator. I press the down button before he's on, just so I can watch him struggle with the elevator door, but again, he's too quick.

"You'll have to do better than that," he replies, jumping in the elevator before it closes. His vampire speed still amazes me, but I manage to keep my eyes off him and ignore him in the process. "I'm right here," he says, indicating a silver BMW. I don't know much about cars, but this one looks original. "It's custom-built," he states as if he can read my mind. The days of him bumming rides from me are long gone, and I feel as though it had all been a ruse. He comes from money. I guess that's all I really know about him.

He opens my door and I slide in, but there's something different about this car; I just can't place it. Everything seems normal, but something's just not right. I look around when Ian opens his door. I happen to look up at just the right time, catching a glimmer off of the window. It's barely noticeable, but I see it. The window itself seems to be thicker than regular glass.

Ian notices my curiosity. "Bullet proof."

My eyes widen as I take in every inch of the car. "Like the Bat mobile?"

"Better." Ian has a mischievous grin. "Buckle your seat belt." He looks at me and raises an eyebrow, so I do as I'm told. I don't want to die in the Bat mobile, or better yet Vamp mobile. I look out my window because I don't want him to see me smile. The last thing I need is for him to think that I've forgiven him.

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