Baby shower

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Tiara POV

Now I'm 7 months pregnant and I got a belly piercing (in media) and nun of us know the gender of the baby only moma Sheila knows so she baked four cakes for the babies me and aug are so excited to find out but August is more excited than me that he went out and bought tons of toys and clothes but he does not know we are having four kids so time to surprise him.

At the baby shower

August POV

So now it's time to cut the cakes (in media) me and tiara grab the knife at the same time and we both cut the first cake it turned out to be pink tiara was so happy but the thing is there where four cakes so I was like tiara u wanna tell me something so she said August I had went into the doctors office one day and I found out we are having four so I just wanted to wait until u got here to tell u when she told me four I cried because I was so happy but my nigga Chris always got something negative to say

Chris-Nigga if u don't stop acting like a bitch and get some got damn balls and stop all that fucking crying Ima beat yo ass.

Aug-nigga shut up it's an emotional time

Chris-(whispers) like the time u cried when u and Nikki fucked yo ass was crying like a little bitch because she gave u da business

Aug-shut the fuck up Chris that was in the past so chill the fuck out wit that I ain't gonna let u ruin my mood because me and tiara got on our team Alsina shirts with our pink and blue pants just like our shirt and Jordan's

Chris-what Eva nigga hurry up and cut the cakes cause I wanna see

Aug-ight then shut the fuck up

Tiara-how about both of yall shut the fuck up!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chris-you get that mad u pissed on your self ewwwww (sounds like little girl)

Tiara-I didn't pee on my self my water broke omg please get me to the hospital hurry the fuck up now!!!!!!!!!

Aug-but tiara I thought the baby was not coming until November and if she is born today she will be born on my b day omg!!!

Tiara-(falls to the floor on pain grabs August shirt and gets in his face)listen here bitch if u don't get ur kissing on my tattoos singing ass in that motherfucking car Ima make sure when I punch u in ur nuts that u hit a fucking Mariah Carey note so get me to the (gasp deeply) I can feel hair hurry the fuck up August get me to the damn hospital

August-okay baby just calm down

Aug trey and Chris grab tiara while kid grabs the bag and my moma and the other people gonna stay behind so we can go to the hospital but we gonna record every last minute

30 minutes later

Still August POV

We arrive at the hospital they get tiara in a room then they said she is fully dilated so they get all the nurses in her and I grab my camera and press record and I record her giving Birth to all four kids when she gave birth I told her ten more to go then she was like you and your imaginary ten kids can got straight to hell but on the other hand me and tiara end up having two......

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