You're a Nerd (Sasha x shy! male! reader)

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{Requested by: MadBiscuits}

(Sasha's POV)

So there is this nerd in my grade, I see him around, but I've never talked to him before, I don't know why just never had a reason to.

I don't understand what is up with him though. Well maybe something is wrong with me, I just can't stop looking at him. It doesn't help that he is in almost all my classes. He's stupid and distracting. I think Anne and Marcy noticed something was up, well mostly Anne.

She keeps telling me I'm distracted but I just tell them to find her own business.

The name of the distraction is (Y/n). The only thing I know about this dude is he is a total nerd. He's in the chess club and he even at one point beat Marcy, which is extremely unlike.

Usually, I just get nerds to do my homework and think nothing of it but I just can't get him out of my mind.

I'm currently in History and we have a project and the teacher is assigning partners. I groan, I hate group projects, the only time It's tolerable is when I'm partnered with Anne and Marcy but they aren't even in this class.

"The next group is (Y/n) (L/n) and Sasha Waybright" Oh that's just wonderful.

((Y/n)'s POV)

I have this constant feeling I'm being watched and I think I know who it is. Her name is Sasha and I dont know why she keeps looking at me though.

She's popular and has no reason to be watching someone like me. Plus her looking at me makes me uncomfortable, I don't like the feeling of eyes on me.

It's weird though and not going to lie a little creepy. I think she even came and watched my chess tournament.  Granted, she probably went for Marcy, but her competition was an hour before mine and Sasha stayed. She's also in most of my classes which is not the best thing because I can feel her looking at me.

Honestly, it would be a lie if I said I didn't find her attractive. Do I have a little crush on her? Maybe I mean don't get me wrong I think she is cool and all and I really like her style but she is kind of mean. I mean she gets some of my friends to do her homework, heck she gets her own friends to do her homework.

"The next group is (Y/n) (L/n) and Sasha Waybright"

The teacher calls out the rest of the groups and then dismisses the class for the day. I walk up to Sasha hesitantly. "So uh when do you want to work on the project? What about the library after school?" I'm like 90% sure that she is going to make me do the whole project but it was worth a shot asking if she was going to help.

"Sure, whatever" She then walks out of the classroom

-Time Skip-

I'm sitting in the library I already started the project because I never truly believed that Sasha was coming.

"You started without me?" I hear a voice from behind me. I turn around and it is Sasha.

"I honestly didn't think you'd show up"

"Dude I'm like five minutes late" Sasha checked her phone to confirm the time.

"Yeah but you don't really seem like the kind of person who would help in group projects no offense"

"Well, I'm here, what's a stupid project on anyway?"

"It's a revolution project, we have the French Revolution as our focus"

Adagio groans but pulls out her textbook anyway. She opens it to the correct page and starts reading. "Wait what are we supposed to do for this presentation anyway?"

"Basically sum up the cause and effect them and put it into a slide show" She grabs her textbook and walks over to one of the open computers.

"You coming nerd" I get up and walk and pull up a chair next to her. After a while, we finish the project. I'm pleasantly surprised that she helped with the project.

"Hey, what are you doing after this?"

"Well, I just planned to go home, why?"

"Do you maybe I don't know to want to the arcade or something with me?" Sasha asked.

"Oh uhh sure" She smiles, It's the first time I've generally seen her smile, it's cute.

We walk to the arcade and Sasha immediately finds the dance machine.

"Come on dude, it'll be fun" She pulls me on the spot next to her.

Something She probably didn't know about me, I wouldn't say I like dancing in public.

When the game started, Sasha enthusiastically started dancing, and I much less enthusiastic joined.

After that, we played many more games. Then Sasha took me to the little sitting area, the shack bar area of the arcade.

I looked at her as we sat down "Hey Sasha, I'm surprised that you knew so much about the French Revolution"

"Yeah whatever"

"You know past all that attitude your pretty fun to hang out with"

"You're not so bad yourself, Nerd"

"Do you even know my name or are you just going to call me nerd forever"

"(Y/n)...your name is (Y/n), But you're a nerd too I will call you that if I want"

We eventually got something to drink and talked until it was pretty late.

"Well, it's getting late and I should really be going," Sasha said getting out of her seat.

I get up and walk to the door. We walk outside and realize we are both heading in opposite directions. "Well I guess this is it, nerd"

"I guess it is but I hope we can do this again sometime" I take a risk and go up and kiss her cheek and I see her face go red. I smirk and walk away. Yeah, Sasha Waybright isn't so bad.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02 ⏰

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