Separation (Marcy x Male! Reader)

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{Requested by: dhlightningbolt3}

(Set after Amphibia, (Y/n) and Marcy live together because her parents moved and they are dating. Also, Marcy has major separation anxiety and abandonment issues)

((Y/n)'s POV)

I woke up this morning and noticed that Marcy was still asleep. I carefully got out of bed and walked into the kitchen.

I open the fridge and realized we don't have a lot of food and I'm going to have to run the store later and get some food.

I looked out the window that was over the sink and noticed that it was raining outside. It seemed peaceful even though the sky was grey it still gave that peaceful vibe.

I hear footsteps coming from the stairs to the kitchen. A tired Marcy stands in the doorframe of the kitchen.

She was wearing one of my hoodies well it's pretty much hers now because she's the only one who wears it. She comes up and hugs me from behind. I turn around and hug her back.

"Good morning love," I told her as I kissed her four head. She mumbled something. "What was that Marcy?"

She pulled away a bit. "Can we have breakfast?"

"Of course. Is cereal okay? It's kind of all we have" She nods and I grab two bowls from the shelf and set them on the table. Marcy had already taken her seat.

I grabbed the box of cereal and handed it to Marcy she poured herself a bowl and handed the box back to me and I did the same.

I finished mine pretty fast because I've always been a fast eater. I got up, put my dishes in the sink, and grabbed my phone. If I'm going to the store I'm going to have to call Anne or Sasha to come and be with Marcy. I'd take her with me but that last time that happened Marcy and I got separated at the store and she freaked out and neither of us want that to happen again and Marcy never wants to leave the house anymore.

"I have to go to the store later because we are almost out of food. I'm going to go call Anne and Sasha to see if either of them can come over here okay?" She nods and continues eating her cereal.

I walk into the living room and dial Anne's number.

"Hey (Y/n), what's up dude?"

"Hi, Anne I was wondering if you could come over for a little bit and stay with Marcy while I go to the store?"

"Dude I wish I could but I have to work at the restaurant. My mom would kill me if I took another day off"

"It's alright Anne I'll ask Sasha, talk to you another time then"


I hang up the phone and then dialed Sasha.

"Hey (Y/n) what's up?"

"Hey, can you come and be with Marcy for a little bit? I have to go to the store"

"I would if I could but my dad took my car to the shop and it raining so I can't walk or bike over them. Sorry (Y/n)"

"It's alright Sasha talk to you later"

"Bye," I hung up and walked back into the kitchen and see Marcy's dishes on the table but no Marcy. I walk into the other room and see Marcy sitting on the couch playing on the gaming system.

"Hey Love, can you come with me for a sec?" She didn't look up from her game so I grab it from her hands. Her head pops up and looks at me.

I run to the kitchen and she followed me. I stop at the table and she stops too. She had a cute pout on her face.

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