Sleepover (Lumity and Marcanne)

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(So this is kind of going off of the crossover from Comic-Con so I recommend you see that first)

{request by: sue10yee}

(Luz's POV)

Amity and I were out on a date in the human realm. Amity really liked exploring all the different things in my world.

We are sitting in a cafe just talking. Amity was asking a lot of questions about humans and I happily answered them.

"No way Luz?" I heard someone call my name. I looked behind me.


I got up and hugged her. She was with another girl with short ravened hair and a green hair clip. "No way what are you doing here?" I asked her.

"Visiting family, you?"

"On a date" just as I said that Amity walked up next to me and grabbed my hand. "Anne this is Amity, Amity this is Anne"

"Nice to meet you, I'm actually on a date too" Anne grabs the hand of the girl next to her. "Luz this is Marcy, Marcy this is Luz"

"I'm sorry how do you to know each other?" Amity and Marcy said at the same time.

"Well uh funny story, when I was trying to open a portal back here I ended up in a world of frog people and I meet Anne there. Which reminds me, Anne how did you get back to earth"

"That's a long story but what about you?"

"Also a long story too"

"Oh, what if the four of us had a sleepover" Anne suggested.

"I don't know Amity and I should be getting back to the boiling isle soon"

"Wait Boiling isles...I've heard that before" Marcy had said. "Oh, I remember it was in one of the books that talked about other worlds that I read in Amphibia." Marcy got excited and pulled out a notebook. She then walked closer to me. "Can you tell me more about the world, please?" Then she looked at Amity and noticed her ears. "Oh my gosh or you from the boiling isle?" Amity nods. "Can you tell me about it?"

"Um sure, what do you want to know?" Amity said. She and Marcy go back to the table leaving Anne and me standing there.

"Ten bucks she's going to ask to go to the isles" Anne said after the two were out of earshot.

"She welcomes to come with us for a day or two. You both are actually if you want to."

"Wait really?"

"I mean it seems like everyone is getting along and you can stay with me in the owl house I don't see why not"

"So we are having the sleepover we planned the last time we saw each other?"

"Yeah I guess we are"

Anne and I talk for a bit when Marcy and Amity come back over to us. Amity comes up and stands next to me grabbing my hand again.

Marcy goes up behind Anne and hugs her from behind, she rests her head on Anne's shoulder.

"Someone wrong Mar-Mar?"

"Yeah the boiling isles sound so cool and I'm never going to get to see them," Marcy said.

"Do you want to?" Anne asked her girlfriend.

Marcy shot up. "No way seriously. Yes I want to"

"Well if you want Luz offered to take us there for a few days"

"Please tell me you're being serious" Anne nods. "Oh my god yes please"

"Okay we'll just meet us back here in a bit and we will be on our way."

Anne and Marcy walked away. I turned back to Amity and saw she had a weird look on her face.

"What's wrong Amity?"

"Are you sure it's a good idea to invite strangers to the isles?"

"I know they may seem like strangers but I think we'll be okay plus you will be there so if they turn out bad, which they won't, the powerful Amity Blight will be there"

"Okay luz I trust you"

(Time Skip)

The four of us made it to the isles in one piece. After Amity and I showed them around we went back to the owl house. And let's just say that Anne didn't like how annoying Hooty can be. Now the four of us are sitting in my bedroom in our pajamas just chilling telling stories.

"Anne you never told me how you got home," I said to Anne.

"Well uh we had charged the stones on this music box and activate a portal home but there were some difficulties"

"What happened," Amity asked.

"I got stabbed," Marcy said. "But it's okay, I'm fine now and have the sickest battle scar"

"Who stabbed you?" I asked.

"Well the king of Amphibia"

"So what happens to him"

Anne and Marcy continued to tell their story and they talked about their other friend how was back home. When they finished the story they looked and me.

"What about you Luz, bowed you get home"

"Well first I had to build a new portal then I had to take on the emperor and that was like-"

I continue telling my story with Amity adding in details of her own.

Eventually, we all got tired and decided to go to bed. Anne and Marcy put their sleeping bags next to each other so they can be close.

Amity and I shared the bed that Eda got me when I decided I was going to spend most of my time on the isles. Amity hugged my torso and I hugged her back and we fell asleep in each other's arms.

(Time Skip)

Once we woke up Amity and I took Anne and Marcy back to the human realm. Anne, Marcy, and I exchanged numbers before they left.

"By Luz, it was nice seeing you again and nice meeting you Amity," Anne said as Marcy waved.

"Nice seeing you too Anne and nice meeting you Marcy," I said as we all group hugged.

"Maybe we will see each other again one day," Marcy said.

"So this isn't goodbye, it's just I'll see you next time,"  I said.

Amity and I waved goodbye as Anne and Marcy walked away.

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