I Don't Want To Hurt You (Sasha x Reader)

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{Requested by: greatgayshark}

(Context- let's just say that Anne's arm is still in a cast from Toad Tax)

"Enough!" Sasha yelled. Anne and (Y/n) and the whole town of Wartwood were on top of Toad Tower.  An army of toads was in front of them.  The toads part away, revealing Sasha. She strides over to Anne and (Y/n). "Guys, what are you doing? Are you really going to risk your life for these talking frogs? We don't even belong here. Don't you wanna get back home? See your families? Go on dates again?" That last bit was directed at (Y/n), as the two had been dating three months before they were trapped in Amphibia

"Yeah, but--" (Y/n) started but was interrupted.

"Then put your sword down, now. End of discussion." Sasha stared (Y/n) down, Sasha always said this to (Y/n) and every time it angered (Y/n) a little more but they knew that if they were to say anything, Sasha would most likely break up with them.

(Y/n)'s face held a shocked expression that faded to a nervous one. They look around, then sadly lower their guard.

"There we go. That's my girl." Sasha's voice echoed in (Y/n)'s head. Sprig from beside (Y/n) looked upset at what was happening between the couple. "There. Now that wasn't so hard, was it?" Sasha continued. Suddenly, a sludgeball strikes Sasha in the face. "What the heck?!" Sasha yelled in anger. Many gasps were heard

"For someone who claims to be (Y/n)'s girlfriend, you sure don't know them very well. they're brave! they're smart! And most of all, they're not gonna be pushed around by a bully like you!"

(Y/n) smiles, they were touched by Sprig's words. Sasha whipes the sludge off her face.

She grunts "I think I've had enough of you, squeaky toy." She grunts as she approaches Sprig with her sword, and Sprig yells. Then everything is silenced by the sound of two swords clanking together. Sprig gasped and so did Anne who was behind the two

"(Y/n), what are you doing!?!" Sasha yelled.

(Y/n) groaned finally feed up with the way Sasha had treated them. Their anger finally boiled over the top. "Something I should have done a long time ago: Standing up to you!" Sasha gasps "Thanks for believing in me, Sprig." Grime chuckles, much to the annoyance of Sasha.

"What are you laughing at?" Sasha asked

"Looks like you've got a rebellious seed of your own. You've given me plenty of advice. Now let me give you some. Stamp this out. Make them yield. Fail, and nothing will ever be the same."

"Not gonna happen," Sasha said gripping her sword tightly

"This should be fun. My friends! Instead of a messy free-for-all, I have a splendid idea. How about we settle this" He jumps onto a rock "the toad-fashioned way?" snaps his fingers as toads surround (Y/n) and Sasha.

"Trial by combat! If your champion wins, you all go home," Grime gestured to (Y/n) who was growing more and more nervous. "no harm, no foul. But if our champion wins, well..." the venus flytrap roars could be heard. Grime laughs "Baby's hungry."

"(Y/n) you don't have to do this." Anne's voice came from the crowd.

The comment went ignored since (Y/n) had their eyes set on Sasha. She looked so mad like she was ready to kill someone. (Y/n) had seen her mad before, never this mad, and never directed at them.

There was silence till grime shouted, "Begin!"

Sasha charged at (Y/n) who deflected with the clanking of swords. "I don't want to hurt you Sasha" (Y/n) stood still, they went going to fight, they don't want to hurt her.

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