Dystopia (Boscha x Shy! Male! reader)

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{Requested by: user0193636}

(No one's POV) 

The Boiling isle was now in war. After the death of Hunter or the Golden Gaurd, Bellos was furious and all hell broke loose There were few safe zones throughout the isle. (Y/n) lucky lived in one of them. He was lucky enough to get there before the war got worse.  

There were still a lot of people that needed to get to safety though usually only the bravest and the strongest were sent out so (Y/n) rarely left the safe zone that is until Eda the leader of the safe zone tasked him with saving someone who needed help. 

"But Miss Eda there is no way I'll make it out there."

"Listen, kid, someone needs help and your the person to help them, no if, and, or buts now go" 


"Go you'll be fine now I have to get back to work. There s still someone I need to find." Eda sighed and walked away. She had barely slept for weeks because Luz was still out there. She left the safe zone to try and find Amity but she never came back. 

(Y/n) pulled out his scroll which gave him a clue about where the person who sent a distress signal was. It was near Hexide which was abandoned due to the war. 

(Y/n) carefully made his way to the school using an invisibility spell Luz had thought him before she left. He eventually made it to the school and stopped using the spell when suddenly there was a loud explosion. 

Next to (Y/n), there were emperors coven guards, and other wild whiches fighting. (Y/n) ran down the halls trying to get away from the battle when he passed by a set of lockers that opened up and a pair of arms pulled him in and the lockers closed again. 

Whoever grabbed him kept a hand over his mouth until the noise from outside quieted down then the person let go and (Y/n) looked at the person. (Y/n) recognized her from school, it was Boscha but she looked different. She was still in her Hexide uniform but she hears was down and looked disheveled.  

"(Y/n), what the hell are you doing here?" She whispered yelled at him. 

"Eda sent me here to help someone who sent a distress signal" 

"Eda sent you, oh titan were all dead" 

Boscha then walked further into the secret passageways then stope when she realized that (Y/n) wasn't following her. "You coming or not?" 

(Y/n) follows her deeper into the tunnels and then they come into a room full of different doors. and sitting in the middle of the room were Amity, Luz, and Willow.

(Y/n) ran up and hugged each of them. "Oh my gosh, all of you guys are okay! Everyone had been so worried since Luz left. We all thought something bad had happened to you guys. But wait why haven't you guys come back to the safe zone?" 

"We can't get past all the fighting outside without invisibility" Willow said

"Yeah we'd be sitting ducks," Luz said "I'd use glyphs but I'm out of paper"

"And the rest of you?" (Y/n) asked 

"We all don't know any invisibility spells, the only ones who knew anything Luz and Gus," Boscha said. "Sooo, we've been stuck in the school, and are probably going to die here" 

Willow looks at (Y/n) "How is Gus?" 

"He's really worried about you guys, lucky for us I brought paper and pens, Luz please tell me you remember the glyph combination." 

She nods. "Okay good Luz and Amity work on making invisibility glyphs, we're getting back to the safe zone"  

Luz and Amity get to work and Boscha looks at (Y/n). "Since when did shy little (Y/n) become such a leader?" 

"I'm no leader and that shy boy is still in there, he just doesn't need as much protection and can do some things on his own" Boscha blushes a little bit. 

After a little bit of time Luz says that she has made enough glyphs. Everybody takes a deep breath and goes invisible. Luz is holding (Y/n) hand to start a chain with (Y/n) in front. Amity is holding onto Luz, Willow is holding onto Amity and Boscha is holding onto Willow. 

They had to stop a few times to recatch their breath but continued onto the safe zone. They passed by a particularly intense battle and fireballs were being tossed everywhere. 

One fireball was headed directly towards (Y/n) but he was pushed to the ground and someone took the hit for him. It was Boscha. Something ignited in (Y/n) and he found the strength to lift Boscha and carry her back to the safe zone. Once the five of them made it there (Y/n) called for a medic and they took Bascha to the recovery tent. 

Eda then came out of her tent to see what the commotion was about and when she saw that Luz was here she ran up to Luz. 

"Luz! Your okay!" 

"Eda" The two of them hugged while (Y/n) followed Boscha and the medic to the tent. She took a direct hit in the stomach. (Y/n) could see burn mark bit then the medic said she would be okay. 

-Time Skip- 

It has been a week ad Boscha is making a steady recovery and walking with a crutch. Luz and Eda reunited and Kind being overjoyed that his boo-boo buddy is okay. Luz is happy that Amity is with her in the safe zone. Willow and Gud were happy to know that each other were safe. (Y/n) was happy that everything in the safe zone was peaceful for the time being. 

That is until they got a distress signal from the knee. "Alright, Luz, Amity, Willow, and (Y/n) your up" 

The four of them nodded and started to pack the necessary things. Boscha came into (Y/n) room and sat on his bed. "Come back okay?"

"Dont worry Boscha, I'll be back as soon as I can. I promise" 

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