Deception (Amphibia x Reader)

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(Special thanks to @GeekFreakofNature)

(This takes place during True Colors but when the king gets the music box then this story happens so no Marcy confession or Anne's blue powers yet)

(Nobody's POV)

Four humans, three frogs, two newts, and one toad stood in an all-white room with only a screen in front of them. They all awoke at the same time to find each other. They all stare at each other in confusion, but they all remember that the King now has the music box and they were all in trouble.

Suddenly the screen turned on to reveal that very same king. "Hey yall thanks for the music box and since I now have it there really isn't a use for you all so I came up with this little game"

"What game?" Anne asked.

"Well, I'm glad you asked Anne. You are all are friends and trust or trusted each other. One of you has been working with me since the very beginning and since I have no use for them anymore I figured it would be fun for you guys to try and figure it out" Everyone in the room's face turned in a mix of confusion, worry, and anger. "You all are standing in a white room with no windows and no doors. I will give you five minutes each round to talk to each other use that time as you wish but when that five minute is up everyone will vote and someone with getting eliminated." Everyone gasped. "If the mole gets eliminated the room with flash green and the remaining people in the room will be set free. If you guess wrong the room with flash red and the next round will start. Be warned though if it gets down to people and one o them in the mole, the mole will be set free and decide the fate of the remaining person. Oh and remember play nice" With that, the screen turns off and everyone looks at each other" The screen turned into a giant countdown watch that read 5 minutes counting down.

"S-Someone is a mole?" (Y/n) repeated seeming frightened but with the new information, nobody was safe from suspicion.

"Maybe we should try first by saying who it for sure couldn't be." Marcy proposed the idea.

"Okay well, it cant be Sprig or Polly because they are just children," Anne said.

"Okay Sprig, Polly go stand over there for now" (Y/n) instructed. She then looked at the older people in the room.

"Wait didn't the King say since the beginning so it can't be (Y/n), Anne, or me because we hadn't met the Andrias till Marcy introduced us" Sasha proposed the idea. Everyone agreed so the people left were Marcy, Yunan, Olivia, Hop Pop, and Grime. Just then the room flashed blue and everyone looked at the clock. It had struck 0 and a remote appeared in everyone's hands. It had 10 buttons. A, SA, SP, P, M, O, Y, H, G, (first letter of your name). The timer then started counting down from 30 seconds.

"I guess we vote," Hop Pop said and everyone just stayed silent and still. The timer struck zero and then the floor under everyone turned yellow. Then it turned back white then turned yellow under (Y/n), then the yellow moved to Marcy, then Olivia then finally Yunan. It turned red under her and the floor opened and she dropped into the floor. The entire room turned red and the clock read 5 minutes counting down.

"Okay what then heck just happened?" Sasha asked.

"I-I-I t-think Yunan g-got e-eliminated" (Y/n) managed to get out.

"But the room turned red so she wasn't the mole," Anne said and everyone agreed.

"Okay next round nobody votes and maybe nobody gets eliminated"

They let the five minutes run down and the room once again flashed blue and the remotes appeared in their hands. Though there were only nine buttons now.

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