Epilogue Part 1: Figuring Out How To Be Normal

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(So originally I was only going to do up to season 5, but as I wrote this story out I ended up getting attached to this y/n and her relationship with Sam. So now I do want to do the other seasons. But that's a lot of episodes to write and I really don't feel up to that kind of challenge at this point of time.

In case I never do the other seasons I wanted this to at least be tied up in a neat little bow. One that doesn't require anyone going to super hell or dying on a rusty nail.

Which is where these epilogue chapters comes in making the other seasons & soulless Sam not a thing. If one day I do start season 6 & the rest of the seasons it will be in a separate book and this epilogue would have never happened. Picture it like an alternate universe. Anyway I really had fun writing this series and I hope you guys have enjoy it.)

Update: I decided to do the later seasons after all, so there is a new fic already available for you to read if you're interested in continuing the story past season 5

3rd Person P.O.V
(Name) was hunched over at her desk in her room, her face in an open book, asleep. Ever since Sam dragged both Lucifer, Michael, and Adam to hell back into the cage, (Name) has been spending all her time trying to find a way to bring him back.

The only time she wasn't researching, was spent either eating, in the bathroom, or pass out from the lack of sleep. Bobby was greatly worried about this unhealthy behavior and has tried to get her stop or at the least take more breaks. But of course (Name) wouldn't listen to him. Nothing else matter to her except getting Sam back.

(Name) was pulled from her slumber when she heard a crash downstairs. She lifted her head and rub her eye, letting out a big yawn until she heard another crash. On an instant, (Name) leap up from her chair, taking her gun and quickly made her way down stairs.

Reaching the bottom floor, she could make out Bobby's voice. "Then you're a Revenant!" Bobby shouted. "Bobby stop! Look I'll show you I'm not either!" A familiar voice said, causing (Name) to stop cold in her tracks.

Moving more slowly, (Name) walk through the kitchen to the library, seeing not only Bobby but someone she loved dearly. Sam Winchester stood in the room, slicing his arm above the elbow with the knife. To show he's not Shapeshifter or a Revenant.

Bobby stared at him in disbelief. "Sam?" He asked. "Yeah Bobby... it's me." Sam replied, and Bobby grabs him in for a tight hug and Sam returns the hug with enthusiasm. "It's good to see you, boy." Bobby said, pulling away.

"It's good to see you. Where's..." Sam said, stopping himself when saw (Name) in the doorway that led into the kitchen. (Name) stood there, like a deer in headlights. Sam let out a small breath as he smiles at her relieved. "(Name)..." He said, walking towards her.

However he stop in his tracks when (Name) raised her gun, pointing it at him. "You... you sick bastards. We just lost Sam now you're trying to toy with us? Using his body like it's a friggin' costume?" (Name) asked, in a rough voice.

"(Name) I'm not a..." Sam tried to say but he was interrupted by holy water being splash in his face from her flask. Sam sighs as the water drip off his face, having no effect on him. "See? Not a demon." He said.

"Holy water didn't work on Yellow-Eyes either! I don't know what you are but I will drag you back to hell myself!" (Name) shouted, furiously. "(Name)... it really is me." Sam said, softly, taking step towards her.

(Name's) hand starts to shake a little in hesitation as she took a step back. "Stop!" She commanded, getting him to freeze in place again. "You expect me to believe that? I watch Sam fall into the cage, dragging Michael down with him. I've spent sleepless nights trying to find a way to get him back and now he just shows up out of nowhere? How?!"

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