Death Takes A Hoilday

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The boys and I were in a diner, where Dean taps a button on the jukebox, then thumps it. Sam and I were sitting at our table, I finishing eating my food while Sam was using his laptop and talking on the phone. "No, no, no, you're right, it's definitely weird. ...Okay, Bobby, thanks." He said, before he puts the phone away and Dean comes over.

"What's up?" Dean asked, sitting down across from Sam. "Bobby found something in Wyoming." Sam said, typing on his laptop. "A job?" I asked. "Maybe." He replied, and Dean bites into a burger.

"Small town, no one's died in the past week and a half." Sam said. "That so unusual?" I asked. "Well, it's how they're not dying. One guy with terminal cancer strolls right out of hospice. Another guy gets capped by a mugger and walks away without a scratch." Sam explained, looking at his screen.

"Capped in the ass?" Dean asked. "Police say Mr. Jenkins was shot in the heart at point-blank range by a nine-millimeter." Sam replied. Dean keeps eating, speaking with his mouth full. "And he's not a doughnut?"'

"Locals are saying it's a miracle." Sam said. "Okay." Dean muttered. "It's got to be something nasty, right? I mean, people making deals or something." Sam said. "You think?" I asked. "What else would it be?" He asked. "I don't know." I replied.

"All right." Sam said, and puts his laptop in his bag. "Get that to go." He said to Dean, who looks down not moving. "Come on." Sam said, standing up and picking up his bag. I got up to follow while Dean doesn't move and keeps chewing. Sam looks at him, swinging his bag over his shoulder. "What?" He asked.

Dean looks up and keeps chewing, then glances away and back up again. "Sure you want me going with you?" He asked Sam. "Why wouldn't I?" Sam asked, confused. "I don't want to be holding you back or nothing." Dean said, and Sam sighs.

"Dude, I've told you a hundred times, that was the siren talking, not me." He said. and Dean doesn't give a reply. "Can we get past this?" Sam asked. Dean puts down the burger. "Yeah, we're past it." He said, and brushes off his hands. I look between the boys, worriedly.

The boys and I were questioning Jim, the man who was shot during a mugging but survived without a scratch. We were sitting in his dinning room at the table. Now, you three said you were bloggers?" Jim asked, sitting down across from Sam.

"Yes, sir. Floored by the Lord dot com." Sam replied. "All of God's glory fit to blog." Dean said, grinning. Sam glances at him and clears his throat. "Um. Some of the people around town are saying what happened to you was a miracle." I said.

"It was. Plain as day." Jim said. "How can you be so sure?" Sam asked. "How else do you explain it? The doctors can't. There's a bullet in my heart, and it's pumping like a piston." Jim said.

"Well, how do you explain it?" I asked. Jim hesitates and looks over at his daughter, who was with her mother in the next room. "Look, honestly. I was nobody's saint... not exactly father of the year, either." He said.

"Okay." I said, nodding. "But when that guy shot me and I didn't bleed a drop? I just knew the Lord was giving me a second chance." Jim said. "That so?" Dean asked, doubtful. "I had this feeling... like angels were watching over me." Jim said.

Dean and I nodded, glancing to each other. "I wouldn't expect you guys to understand." Jim said. "Well, we'll just have to try." Dean said.

"You wouldn't have happened to have swung by a crossroads in the past week or so?" Sam asked. "No." Jim said, confused. "Maybe you met someone? With black eyes? Or red?" Sam asked.

Jim leans forward. "Who'd you guys say you were again?" He asked. Dean looks over at Sam and I. "Never mind. Thank you for your time." He said, getting up, Sam and I follow.

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