Fresh Blood

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The boys and I were walking quickly through an alley, shining flashlights around. Until we spotted a pool of blood and walk over to it, to find a man lying bleeding but conscious on the ground. We crouch over him, seeing his neck was bitten into. No doubt by a vampire.

"Hey, hey. Don't worry. We're gonna call you some help, okay?" Sam assured the man, as I took out a rag holding it over the wound. "Where is she? Where'd she go?!" Dean asked, and the man gestures vaguely down the alley. Sam and I stayed with the man while Dean ran off in that direction.

"Hey, you're going to be okay. Just keep your eyes open." I said the man, as I kept pressure on his wound. "SMELL THAT?! COME AND GET IT!" We heard Dean yelled in the direction he ran off in. Sam and I exchanged a look and I nodded. Sam got up and ran to back up Dean, while I stayed with the man. Keeping him alive until an ambulance came for him.

With the man safe and the vampire caught, the boys and I took her back to our motel room, tying her to a chair in the middle of the room. The vampire, comes to consciousness, and looks around. "You with us?" Dean asked, leaning over her. The vampire wakes up fully, struggles against her bonds.

"Oh, yeah, sorry. You're not going anywhere." Dean said, as the vampire looked up at us terrified. "Where's your nest?" Sam asked her. "What?" She asked, confused. "Your nest... where you and your bloodsucking pals hang out." I said. "I don't know what you're talking about." The vampire said.

The boys and I look at each other and roll our eyes. "Please! I don't feel good." The vampire pleased. "Yeah, well, you're gonna feel a hell of a lot worse if we give you another shot of dead man's blood." Dean said, holding up a syringe full of dead man's blood.

"Just let me go." The vampire cried and Sam laughs. "Yeah, you know we can't do that." He said. "I'm telling you the truth. I'm just... I took something. I'm freaking out! I don't know what's going on!" She said, frantically.

"You took something?" I asked. "Yes! I can't... come down. I just want to come down." She said, freaking out. "What's your name?" Sam asked her. "Lucy. Please. Just let me go." She pleaded.

"All right, Lucy, how about this? If you tell us what happened, we'll let you go." Sam said. "You will?" Lucy asked, looking at Dean, who nods and smiles in a completely insincere way, then shoots Sam and I a confused look over her head.

"Uh, I don't really... um, it's, it's not that clear. I was at Spider." Lucy said. "Spider?" I asked. "The club, on Jefferson. And there was this guy... he was buying me drinks." Lucy said. "This guy... what's he look like?" Sam asked.

"He was old, like thirty. He had brown hair, a leather jacket... uh, Deacon or Dixon or something. Said he was a dealer... he had something for me." She explained. "Something?" Dean asked.

"Something new. 'Better than anything you've ever tried.' He put a few drops in my drink." Lucy said. "Was the drug red and thick?" Dean asked, and she nods. Dean then shoots us a look, Sam shook his head in disbelief while I cross my arms in discomfort.

"Well, genius move there. That was vampire blood he dosed you with." Dean said. "What?" Lucy asked, confused. "Yeah, you just took a big steamin' shot of the nastiest virus out there." Dean replied.

"You're crazy! He gave me roofies or something! No... The next thing I know, we're at his place, and he says he's gonna get me something to eat, just wait. But I get so hungry." Lucy said. "So you busted out?" I asked, and she nodded. "But it won't wear off... whatever he gave me?" She said.

"Lights are too bright? Sunshine hurt your skin?" Dean asked. "Yeah... And smells. And I can... hear blood pumping!" Lucy said. "Well, I hate to tell you this, sweetheart, but your blood's never pumping again." Dean said.

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