In The Beginning: (Name) Edition

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(Okay, I know the only reason Castiel sent Dean to the past was so he could learn more about Azazel. But I have some backstory for (Name) that I like to share so I'm using this episode/chapter as an excuse to share it. So while Dean dealing with old Yellow-Eyes, (Name) will dealing with her father selling his soul. I don't really have a good reason on why Castiel would send her back too. Idk maybe he didn't want her to feel left out.)

3rd Person P.O.V
Dean and (Name) were asleep in their own separate beds. The space next to (Name) was empty once again. Sam walk around to (Name's) side to place a kiss on her cheek, before walking to the door.

Sam pauses to look at Dean and (Name) before leaving the room. A car pulls up and Sam gets in the passenger side. "Ready?" Ruby asked him, in the driver's seat. "Definitely." Sam replied, determine.

Back in the motel room, (Name) was having another dream of her time in hell. She wakes and discovers Castiel sitting on her bed. "Hello, (Name). What were you dreaming about?" He asked.

(Name) groans, laying her head back on her pillow. "Do you have any idea how creepy that is?" She asked the angel, who stares at her, not answering. "What do you want?" She asked, sitting up in bed.

"Listen to me. You have to stop it." Castiel said, firmly. "Stop what?" (Name) asked, confused. Castiel puts two fingers to her forehead.

(Name's) P.O.V
"Ma'am?" I heard a voice said. I open my eyes to see I'm outside, with a police officer standing over me. "You can't sleep here." He said. "Okay... sleep... where?" I asked. "Anywhere but here." The officer replied and walks off.

I sat up looking around at my new surroundings, not seeing anything familiar. I took out my cell phone to try and make a call, but got no signal. I grimace at the device in my hand and closed it. "Balls." I muttered, putting my phone away and looking around.

I enter a diner and sat down at the counter next to a young man, who's holding a little black box staring down at it and mumbling to himself. "Hey, can you tell me where I am?" I asked the man. "Huh?" The young man look up and turn his head to look at me.

I notice his left eye was a glass eye with a different color from his right eye. "Uh... Roll'n Pin." He said, referring to the diner. "I mean, uh... city and state." I said. "Sioux Falls, South Dakota." The young man said and I was taken aback by this. "South Dakota." I repeated.

"Are you alright, miss?" He asked me, worried. "Yeah, tough night." I grumbled, scratching the back of my head. "Hey, uh, coffee here, Randy." The young man said to the owner of the diner. "Okay, coming right up." Randy said.

I pull my cell phone out of my pocket. "Can you tell me where I can get reception on this thing?" I asked the young man. "The USS Enterprise?" He replied, looking at me questionably. I blink back a couple times in confusion.

I look at Randy as he brings the coffee over, who was dressed in 1970s hippie gear. "Thanks... nice threads. You know Sonny and Cher broke up, right?" I said, jokingly. The young man sitting beside me looks at me, surprised. "Sonny and Cher broke up?" He asked.

It was now my turn to look at him, questionably. I look around the diner and notices everyone is dressed in 1970s-era clothes. I look at a newspaper on the counter that the young man must have been reading, seeing the date is Saturday, November 18th 1978. I mouth the words 'seventy eight', astounded.

I heard the little bell jingle as someone enters the diner. "Hey, (Last Name)." A man called out. The young man and I turn our heads in unison. An older man walks over to us, shaking the young man's hand.

"I'll be a monkey's uncle! Look at you! How you doing, Corporal?" He asked. "Hey, Mr. Cunningham." The young man said, grinning. "I heard you were back." Mr. Cunningham said. "Yeah, a little while now." The young man said.

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