Bonus: Scoobynatural

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(Yup the second bonus chapter is the famous Scooby-Doo crossover episode. This chapter will actually tie into the epilogue a little so enjoy a few cameos from the kids.)

Sam, the kids, and I were on our way over to Dean and (RJ's y/n's) house. I was driving, while Sam was in the passenger seat and the kids were in the backseat. "Approaching unknown planetary system. ETA 12 Minute." I said, then it started to rain.

"Oh no. Cosmic Ray! Energy shields now!" I exclaimed. "Understood, ma'am! Charging up and..." Sam said, grabbing the switch and turning on the windshield wipers. "Energy shields deployed." Sam said. "Good job!" I said, smiling.

The kids laugh in the backseat. "Again, again!" Jack exclaimed, bouncing his carseat. "Maybe on the way back, buddy. We're almost there." Sam said. "Aww." Jack said, disappointed.

Yup, we had our third child in May and named him, Jack. He's about four years old now, while Adrian is thirteen and Luna is eleven. These kids really are growing up so fast... a little too fast.

For Dean and (RJ's y/n), Ripley is seventeen already and the twins are fourteen. Can you believe that? Ripley gonna be graduating next year!

It honestly just feels like yesterday I ran Sam and Dean in Jericho. Now we all have kids and Dean's oldest daughter gonna be finishing up high school pretty soon. Time really does fly by.

We made it to Dean and (RJ's y/n's) and manage to make it to the door without getting rained on too bad. "Aunt (Name) and Uncle Sam!" The twin exclaimed, when they open the door. "Hey kids." I greeted, holding Jack as we enter the house.

"Adrian, Luna, we got a new racing game!" Axel exclaimed. "Really?" Luna asked. "Yeah! Wanna come play it?" Lexi asked. "Yes please!" Luna replied. "Yeah, me too!" Adrian said. "Me three!" Jack said, clapping his hands.

"I think all you'll be able to do is watch, buddy." Sam said. "No, he can be on my team. He can sit in my lap and pick the character while I drive the car." Adrian said. "Is that alright with you, Jack?" I asked him. "Yeah!" Jack cheered.

I handed Jack to Adrian and the kids disappeared around the corner as Dean and (RJ's y/n) came up to greet us. "Hey, there you guys are. What kept you?" Dean asked. "Jack had to use the bathroom. Twice." Sam replied.

"Where's Ripley?" I asked, noticing her absence. "She's upstairs studying for the SAT... PSAT... SIT... I don't know. She's studying for that test you take Junior year." Dean said, waving his hand vaguely.

"She's so excited for senior year, she's already started looking into prom dresses." (RJ's y/n) said. "That Brandon kid better not be taking her." Dean growled. "Dean, we've been over this." (RJ's y/n) said, exasperated.

"And I keep saying, that kid is trouble." Dean said. "A kid on the honor roll? Yeah, he's a real menace." (RJ's y/n) said, sarcastically. "I was on the honor roll." Sam said. "Yeah and few years later, you were chugging demon blood." Dean said.

"Dude." Sam said, genuinely looking hurt by that. "Hey, how about we change this delightful subject? Don't you want to show them what you've done to the basement?" (RJ's y/n) asked her husband.

"Oh yeah! Hey, come check out my new TV!" Dean said, grinning. He walks over to the basement door and unlocks it with a key. Sam, (RJ's y/n), and I follow Dean down into the basement. "Behold." Dean said, turning on the light. "...the Dean-cave. Or Fortress of Dean-a-tude. Just still trying to figure that one out."

Dean walks us through the room, pointing out all the amenities. "We got Foosball. We've got jukebox all vinyl, obviously. Double La-Z-Boy recliners. And, of course, the bar. Still a work-in-progress. It's gonna have a kegerator because... Well, it's gonna." He said, chuckling.

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