Lucifer Raising

975 34 6

May 2nd, 2008
After that fated hour that stole Dean and (Name) away, Sam and Bobby removed their bodies from the family's home and took them to an abandoned house. However Sam and Bobby had different ideas of what to do with bodies. Sam got to work making coffins for them, whiles Bobby was assembling the wood for a pyre.

They soon got into argument over what should be done, until Bobby had enough and agreed Sam could bury Dean but (Name) was gonna have a hunter's funeral. Sam wasn't satisfied with this agreement and kept pushing.

"She's my daughter! If anyone has any say on what should be done with her it's me, boy!" Bobby growled. "I know but please Bobby... I swear I'll get her back." Sam said, and Bobby scoffs. "You're gonna sell your soul for them? One soul for the price of two, no demon would take that deal. (Name) wouldn't want you to sell your soul for her either way! And neither would Dean!" Bobby argued.

"I know. But there has to be some way to get them both back and I'm gonna find it. I won't rest until I do. And when they're back... when (Name) back, I'll make sure she's never gets hurt because of me again." Sam said, and Bobby stares at him. "I promise." Sam sweared.

Bobby broke and he sigh, shaking his head as he looks towards the ground. "Fine. But I won't bury her." He said, he then lifts his head and Sam could see tears in the corner of his eyes. "I... I can't." Bobby said, brokenly and Sam nods. "I can do it." He said.

Bobby steps aside and Sam looks over at (Name's) body, laying perfectly still on the table. His hands were shaking as he walks over, unable to take his eyes off her. He stops next to the table, staring down at her face, like he was waiting for her to suddenly spring back to life. But she remained motionless.

Sam's eyes move down to her wrist, where her space charm was. Slowly he reaches out to take her lifeless hand and unclip the bracelet, slipping it into his pocket. Summoning all his strength not to break down, Sam slips his left arm under her back and right arm under her legs as he lifts her up into his arms, bridal style.

(Name) felt so weightless in his arms and it made it even harder for Sam not to fall to his knees as he cries, cradling her body. But he can't let himself fall apart, he has to stay strong and find a way to bring both her and Dean back.

Sam turns and starts walking to the door, carrying her out to her coffin next to Dean's, who was already inside his. Bobby turns away unable to look, either at his dead daughter or see her get place in a coffin instead of getting the proper funeral she deserves.

Sam looks down at (Name), hating how peaceful her face looks. It was like she was in a deep sleep. He wishes she was just under some sleeping curse like in those fairytales she loves. The ones where all he would need to do is to kiss her and she wake up.

But he knows the reality they live in. You can't magically fix everything with a song and true loves kiss. There's no such thing as a happy ending for anyone. Especially a Winchester.

Sam reach the coffins and he gently laid (Name) down inside the open one. He gets on his knees as he positions her arms and legs in a way so she will fit. Once done, he looks at her face again and musters up a little smile.

"You sleep well, baby. I'll find way to bring you and Dean back. I'm your hero after all. What kind of hero would I be if I failed you?" Sam asked, letting out a weak chuckle. Hands still shaking, Sam took the top for the coffin and placed it over (Name), sealing her up in darkness.

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