The Song Remains The Same

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(Okay, I know Swap Meat was the next episode but I feel like that one doesn't work at all with the story I'm trying to tell. (Name) is a little too observant that she be able to sniff out Gary-Sam in a heartbeat. It already doesn't make any sense why it took Dean so long to figure out something was up with Sam. So it's getting skipped.)

So when Dean was asleep, Anna visited him in his dream and asked for us to meet her at 225 Industrial. However Castiel wouldn't allow us to go and went himself to meet Anna. He return with news that the girl we helped turn into an angel again, now want to kill Sam so Lucifer can't have his vessel.

Castiel was currently drawing a symbol in chalk on a table in our motel room. I stood next the angel watching him prepare his spell, Sam was sitting on the far bed, while Dean paces. "Really? Anna? I don't believe it." Dean said.

"It's true." Castiel said, continuing his work. "So she's gone all Glenn Close, huh? That's awesome." Dean grumbled, and Castiel straightens up, confused. "Who's Glenn Close?" He asked. "No one, just this psycho bitch who likes to boil rabbits." Dean said.

"So the plan to kill me, would it actually stop Satan?" Sam asked. "No, Sam, come on." I said, and Sam glances at me then back at Castiel. "Cas, what do you think? Does Anna have a point?" He asked. Dean and I look at Castiel, who glances at us, then at Sam. "No. She's, uh, Glenn Close." He said, and Sam looks down.

"I don't get it. We're looking for the chick that wants to gank Sam. Why poke the bear?" Dean asked, walking over to Castiel and I. "Anna will keep trying. She won't give up until Sam is dead. So we kill her first." Castiel replied.

Castiel then pours an oil into a bowl sitting on the table. "Zod ah ma ra la ee est la gi ro sa." He chanted, and the bowl shoots red flame. Castiel steps away from the table and leans on the back of a chair, eyes closed and breathing heavily. The boys and I look at him, worried.

Castiel looks up. "I've found her." He said. "Where is she?" I asked. "Not where. When." Castiel said, then straightens up. "It's 1978." He said. "What?" Sam asked, standing up to join us. "Why 1978? I wasn't even born yet." He said.

"You won't be if she kills your parents." Castiel said. "What?" Sam asked. "Anna can't get to you because of me. So she's going after them." Castiel said, walking up to us. "Take us back right now." Dean said. "And deliver you right to Anna? I should go alone." Castiel said.

"They're our parents. Cas, we're going." Dean said, firmly. "It's not that easy." Castiel said, and he walks a few steps away. "Why not?" Sam asked. "Time travel was difficult even with the powers of heaven at my disposal." Castiel explained. "Which got cut off." Sam said.

"So, what, you're like a Delorean without enough plutonium?" I asked. "I don't understand that reference. But I'm telling you, taking this trip, with passengers no less..." Castiel said, and he shook his head. "'ll weaken me."

Dean walks up to the angel. "They're our mom and dad. If we can save them, and not just from Anna... I mean if we can set things right, we have to try." He said, and Castiel look at him, shaking his head.

Castiel reluctantly agrees and we started getting ready. "Wasn't 1978 the year you went back to (Name)?" Sam asked me. "Yeah, it was. Didn't imagine I'd be going back there." I said.

Then I thought of something. "Wait, what if I run into my past... or uh... my future past self? Or uh my past future self?" I said, and all three of the men looked at me confused. "Can you start making sense? Cause your hurting my head." Dean grumbled.

"What if I cross pass with my 2008 self in 1978? Would that like tear a hole in the universe? Or make me pass out or something?" I asked. "We will be traveling to April of 1978. You will be safe from any tears in the universe or lost consciousness." Castiel reassured me.

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