Malleus Maleficarum

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I was questioning a man name Paul Dutton about his wife's death, while Sam and Dean were searching the bedroom and bathroom for clues as to what happened. "She was so scared. I couldn't help; I couldn't do anything to stop it. And I've talked to the police, and I've talked to the medical examiner and no one can explain it." Paul explained.

"Well, that's why they put the call in to us Mr. Dutton." I said. "But the CDC, that's disease control, right? What do you think; it's some kind of virus?" He asked. "We're not ruling out anything yet. Mr. Dutton did Janet have any enemies?" I asked.

"I'm sorry?" Paul asked, confused. "Anyone that might have a reason to hurt her?" I elaborated. "Wait, what are you saying? That somebody poisoned her?" Paul asked. "I'm just saying we have to cover every base here." I replied.

"Well, I mean, what kind of poison? You think a person could have done this?" He asked, frantically. "Would anyone want to?" I asked. "What?! No, no, there's just no one that could've..." Paul said, trailing off as it looks like he's thinking.

"Mr. Dutton?" I said, curious. Paul looks at me and shook his head. "Uh, everyone loved Janet." He said. I look over at the boys and Sam nods, letting me know they're done. "Okay. Thank you very much. I think we've got everything we need. We'll get out of your way now." I said to Paul, who nods.

It was raining as we walk out of the house toward the Impala. "That guy seem a little evasive to you?" I asked the boys. "I don't know I was under a sink, pulling this out." Sam said, taking small bag out of his pocket and hands it to me.

I took the bag and open it. "Hex bag." I grumbled. "Awww gross." Dean grumbled, in disgust. "Yeah, there are bird bones, rabbit's teeth. This cloth is probably cut from something Janet Dutton owned." Sam said.

Dean and I look back at the house for a second and turn back. I handed the bag to Sam and we walk towards the Impala again. "So we're thinking witch?" Dean asked.

"Uh, yeah, and not some new age wicked water douser either. This is Old World black magic guys, I mean, warts and all." Sam said, as we got in the car. Once inside I lean froward in my seat. "I hate witches." I exclaimed and Sam chuckles.

"Here here (Name). They're always spewing their bodily fluids everywhere." Dean said, in agreement. "Pretty much." Sam said. "Yeah, it's creepy, you know, it's down right unsanitary." I said.

"Yeah, well someone definitely had it out for Janet Dutton." Sam said. "Yeah, someone who snuck into that house and planted the bag." I said. "So what are we thinking, we're uh, looking for some old craggy Blair bitch in the woods." Dean suggested.

"No it could be anyone. Neighbor, coworker, man, woman... that's the problem, Dean, they're human, they're like everyone else." Sam said. "Great. How do we find 'em?" Dean asked.

"This wasn't random; someone in Janet Dutton's life had an ugly axe to grind. We find the motive..." I said. "We find the murderer." Dean interrupted, finishing my sentence. "Yeah." Sam said. Dean starts the Impala and pulls away from the curb, driving off in the rain.

We follow Paul around all day, to see if the witch will try to finish what's left. At first, it seem like we didn't have to worry about him. Until Paul parked on the side of the road to eat and after a few minutes went by he opened the door of his car, falling out onto the pavement hunched over. Dean drive the Impala up next to his car and we jump out. Dean ran over to Paul, yelling at Sam and I. "Check the car!"

We search under the dashboard and steering column as Dean tries to help Paul. "Guys!" Dean shouted, right as I found the hex bag under the steering wheel. "Got it!" I yelled, getting up and removing the hex bag, as Dean pulls Paul up from the pavement.

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