Chapter 8

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* Krista's POV *
Beep. Beep. Beep.

Ughhhhhh why is my alarm clock going off so early? Oh yeah, IT'S WORLDS!!!!! I need to wake up everyone to get ready. I hear pans clanking in the kitchen so I go down there. The guys had out pancake ingredients and my mom was watching TV.

" Mom, why are the guys cooking? Do you remember the last time they cooked? "

"Good morning to you too dear, and yes I remember. They told me that they have been learning how to cook, so I let them. "

" Well I'm going to go get ready, the flight leaves in 2 hours," I yelled running up the stairs. I took a nice hot shower and threw on Nike pros and a t-shirt with Styles on the back. I put my hair up into a high ponytail My clock says that it is 4:30. Thankful my bags are already packed and in the car, I grab my phone, headphones, and wallet, and go back downstairs. When I walk into the kitchen, it looks like a disaster. Flour everywhere, burned pancakes on the floor, and some liquid dripping from the ceiling.
" Are you guys serious? MOMMMMMM!"

My mom walks into the kitchen, takes one look, and walks back out. Over her shoulder she says, "I'll deal with this later. We can get Starbucks on the way. Let's go!"

We all sit in the car and start driving to the airport. It took 30 minutes to get there, with the break for my Double Chocolate Chip Frappuccino with Peppermint. When we got to the airport, I remembered the boys were here. I looked back at them to see they had on disguises. Thank the Lord.

" Okay mom, I'll see you next week. Love you! Guys let's go."

" Bye hun, have fun and get first!"

She drive off and we walked inside to check in. I saw the rest of my team mates by the check in center. Rolling my eyes, I gave the attendant our confirmation code and got our boarding passes.

" Oh look, it's the freak. Why does her shirt say Styles in the back? She'll never meet the boys, nevertheless marry one."

Little did she know.

I turned back to the boys and saw them looming angry.

" Chill, I don't care about them, they are all fake and self centered," I sighed.

"Doesn't give them the right to be so rude though," Harry mumbled.

" Hey Loser, who are they? Actors to pretend to be your family since your real one hates you? You guys might as well leave now, she's awful at cheer," Tiffany said.

"Yeah, well number 1. We are her real family, and 2. I've seen her tumble and I think she is really good. So why don't you walk your little fake, jealous self away. Preferably off a really high cliff," Louis snapped in a fake accent.

Ohhhh go Sass Master From Doncaster.

Tiffany walked away and I high fived Louis.

Maybe this competition will be better than the previous ones...

You guys are the best! 100 reads already! I love my fans, I mean if you are fans, maybe you don't like me but idk. State testing started and I'm tired af already, and I feel sick. Oh well.
QOTD - What's your state test called?
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-Chanel ❤

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