Chapter 1

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*Krista's POV*
It's been 5 years since I last talked to Harry. 5 years since I realized that I lost my brother. 5 years since he left me for X-factor. 5 years of emptiness. 5 years of bullying. Ever since he left, the house feels a thousand times more empty. My mom barely acknowledges me because she has become so focused on how great of a star her son has become. There's no time to pay attention to what I want because Harry is the center of her world.

At least some good has come out of him leaving, though. Without having my mom always hovering over my back, I've been able to explore and find new likes and dislikes. Even though without her guidance I've had to learn hard life lessons by myself, I was still able to find a way to escape everything- cheerleading. A sport that I've poured my heart and soul into. It's my one way out from this empty house, and plus it has its perks. The main one is being able to travel around the country for competitions.

A few days after Harry had joined One Correction or whatever his stupid band is called, I was at the local park. As usual, I was practicing my tumbling to try and get some new skills. The coach from Cheer Athletics just happened to be there, and offered me a spot on one of her teams for free. The only condition was that I had to work around the gym on the days I wouldn't have practice. Of course I had to accept the offer, since I would finally be able to use my time for something. 5 years later, I'm now point flyer on Wildcats, and known worldwide. Nobody knows that I'm Harry Styles Little Sister, and I intend to keep it that way.

Sorry this chapter was kinda short... so I'm going to post chapter 2 today too. How's everyone's day going?

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