The Human world

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Chapter 1,

Jose Saramago once said Not everything is as it seems, and not everything that seems is. Between being and seeming there is always a point of agreement, as if being and seeming were two inclined planes that converge and become one." Soon we will find out what he means by that. The story is going to be about a young girl named Dorothy who visits a wonderful place called Oz. She learns many things while she was at Oz. Like everything isn't what it seems. Lets start with Dorothy in the human world. In the year nineteen ninety seven. who was a normal girl living in the town called Nevermore. Where was Nevermore may you ask? Well it is on the borderline of Florida and Georgia. It's not in one place more in the middle of both. In the human world is named Briaunna gale. Briaunna was avenge height with black and brown hair that was waist length. She has brown eyes and always wears her favorite color black and purple. She wasn't popular but she had friends that she loved spending time with but there was a certain someone she liked to spend time with the most and that was her dog toto. Toto was a small Yorke dog who had black and brown fur with brown eyes.

Briaunna and Toto's favorite thing to do together was going om walks near the beach. They walk the beach everyday after school for two hours and three to five hours on weekends. The day is May 27th 1997 Briaunna was at school, She was putting things in her locker when one of her friends named Casterjon but everyone calls him CJ came up to her to talk. CJ was Average height with short brown hair with a brown beard. Yes CJ had a beard in high school. He liked it cause it made him look older. He had brown eyes. He walks up to Briaunna says Hey B what's up. Briaunna says Hey CJ. CJ says Hey did you do the homework last night? Briaunna says in a horse voice Yeah I did. Briaunna starts looking at her crush and stops paying attention to Casterjon. He's aware of what is going on so he doesn't seem to bothered by it because he knows she's had the biggest crush on Hayden. Who is Hayden? Well Hayden was the most popular guy in the high school they went to. Hayden Average height handsome short black hair with Brown eyes.

Hayden's locker was right next to Briaunna's. Hayden goes to his locker to grab books for his next class. He says Hi to Briaunna and Casterjon. Casterjon says Hey man, but Briaunna is so nervous she couldn't say it at first but then says Hey Hay. The three began to strike up a conversation till Hayden's best friends Derek and Erik walk up to Hayden. Derek and Erik say Hi to Briaunna and Casterjon. Erik asks Casterjon if he can help him out with something after school. Casterjon tells him yeah he can. You are either asking who are Derek and Erik are. They are Hayden's best friends since middle school. Erik was a tall guy with black hair and brown eyes, He also had a bit of muscles from working out at the local gym a lot. Derek was an average height with short black hair with brown eyes. He was skinny but loved to eat. The bell rang for them to go to class. Before walking away Hayden says with a smile bye to Briaunna. She waves by. Casterjon is looking at her with a some what disappointed look. Briaunna says What? She wasn't understand why he was looking at her like that.

Casterjon says You know everyone know you have the biggest crush on Hay right? Briaunna says in a horrified voice They do? Casterjon says I'm afraid so kid, come on we got to get to class later that day during lunch Briaunna was sitting alone reading a book, When her three best friends Casterjon, Alex, and Jake. Briaunna was a lot closer to Casterjon than she was to Alex and Jake. Alex was an Average height guy with short blackish brown hair who loved wearing baseball hats a lot. It was very rare you seen him without one. Jake was a lot different than Alex. Jake was Average height with short spiky brown hair with brown eyes. Jake and Alex were a lot closer cause they live next to each other. Alex was telling Briaunna, Casterjon, and Jake the project he had to do with a kid in their class named Gabriel, He was Average height with brown curly hair and brown eyes. He was kind of popular everyone in the school knew him as the magic guy because he liked doing magic tricks. They all thought he was a wizard.

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