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I think you all noticed that I write Penny as the jealous ex-girlfriend who doesn't want her ex-boyfriend to be with another girl.

Well I'll explain why..

Okay, first of all,

In a love story you'll always need the jealous antagonistic who'll be the romantic rival of the main character.
And who's better at this job other then the original love interest !!

And second of all,

Everyone in the Tawog fandom knows that Gumball is in love with Penny for, I guess, years. Everyone in the school knows that, heck even Penny knows it !!

And it was obvious that she had feelings for him too ! However she also knows that Gumball is literally unable to say to her face. Everytime he sees her, he get completely lovestruck, all giggly and can't even said a word right.

If I remember right, in one episode of the 1st (?) season, Gumball and Darwin were being honest.

Gumball: *to Penny* " I love you !"

Darwin:" but he'll never make the first move !" Penny huffed.

So she knew he'll never make the first move, because he's too scared to confess, and never tried to make the first move. It's only in season 3 episode 20 "the Shell", that she really decides to take the first step before he accidentally headbutted her.

I mean if you look closely and think logically, their relationship really started after he cracked her shell. Sure they almost kissed before, but it was Gumball who made the first move.

So you're telling me that she knew he had feelings for her, feelings that she reciprocates, he will never made the first move and instead of making the first move herself, she decided to wait that he take the first step ?

I'm sorry, correct me if I'm wrong but, for me Penny is a character that I'll always dislike.

𝐅𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟𝐲 𝐆𝐮𝐦 (𝐆𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐱𝐎𝐜)Where stories live. Discover now