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heeseung had never thought he'd enjoy staying after school to clean the classroom. he knows that he's going to be late to practice, but he could care less about how mad his coach will be when he finds out that not only was he late- that he was late because he came into class late that day.

heeseung describes himself as an honest man- and to be an honest man he must admit that he doesn't have the best track record when it comes to school or his attendance (or girls) and it wasn't new to him that his teacher punished him to clean the class once everyone was gone. usually, he'd play the practice card and his teacher would sigh but let him off- but today, when lee isa stepped foot into the classroom a minute late after him he seemed to have lost that card.

he thought it was unusual for good girl lee isa to be late to class- because she was never late for class. her attendance was perfect as well. heeseung thinks it's another part about her that he likes.

heeseung has thought many times about lee isa and what he likes about her; from her perfect nose and smile to the way the ends of her bang on her right side curls inwards. but what he wants most is how she's so different from him. the main difference is that he knows she wouldn't hurt someone- ever.

heeseung cringes at the thought of him hurting people. memories of ex-friends 'faces getting so red with anger, girls he had just hooked up with crying in front of him- and you- flash through his mind.

heeseung isn't sure what exactly caused him and you to not be able to converse calmly with each other- but it happened around freshman year from what he remembers. his memories with you aren't the best and some of them make him laugh when he thinks about your reactions and expressions to the things he's done or said to you. he thinks that you're always the one to start things- that you can never take a joke and god, that's all he knows how to do.

he knows that you always say he isn't self-aware of what he does- but he knows he is. it's part of his guilty conscience that keeps him up at night. and maybe his self-awareness wasn't always up to one hundred percent- but it's definitely grown as of the beginning of his senior year.

he's so self-aware now that he can realize that not every fight is started by you- though he's sure you know how to get right under his skin- get him so annoyed that he says things he regrets; like certain insults that he knows hit your insecure bone or posting embarrassing pictures or videos (the iconic vomit vid) of you when you've begged him not to.

heeseung used to swear that you have done worse to him than you have done to him, but now he's not too sure.

heeseung hates to think that you and he have been sworn enemies in every life the both of you had the chance of living together- because he hopes you don't go the rest of your lives hating each other. or more so, that you don't go the rest of your life hating him.

he wonders if you ever think the same.

heeseung caught the way you wiggled your eyebrows at him obnoxiously when you left the classroom with the other students for the end of the day. he knows that you're only spending time with him so that you can become better for jake and that it gets isa out of the way of jake for you- but recently sometimes it feels like the two of you are truly just friends.

and heeseung knows his past self would hate to think it, but he's been having actual fun with you. In fact, the thoughts of you are filling his mind so much that he almost completely misses the way isa speaks to him.

"hm?" heeseung snaps his head to the pretty girl, "sorry?"

isa's pretty laugh fills the ugly classroom, "i asked why you were late this morning."

"oh," heeseung picks up a broom that was leaning against the wall, "I'm always late."

"well yeah, but there's no cause for your lateness?" heeseung picks up on isa's suggesting tone and he raises an eyebrow up at her to question it, "you know, like y/n?"

heeseung feels his eyes widen at her question and part of him feels anxious that he had been speaking out loud, "what?- uh- no!" he cringes at himself yet again. isa's pretty lips form a suspicious smirk. "really, y/n and i- it's different."

"different?" isa stops cleaning the chalkboard, "different how?"

"different like-" heeseung pauses to think about how he should word his next sentence, "like we're not really together-together if you know what i mean."

isa still looks confused but nods anyways and turns back to her cleaning, "so do you like each other?"

"we're just friends."

isa nods and heeseung focuses on sweeping, hoping that he didn't just mess up literally everything- which reminds him, "is there anyone that you like?"

isa laughs at heeseung's rushed-out question, "like in a 'we're not really together together way or in an 'i want to date them' way?"

"in an 'i want to date them' way."

isa spins on her heel and leans against the newly cleaned board, "why?" she bites her lip and looks up into heeseung's eyes.

"uh," heeseung gulps as her eyes pierce so seductively into his own, "well because you know who i'm into- or who i'm not into i mean."

isa makes a noise to think and she picks at her freshly done nails, "i mean there is a boy that i'm interested in."

heeseung feels his heart pick up the pace at her words- his body filling with anxiousness and excitement that he struggles with his own body to keep calm and try to think of something to say, "there is?"

"yeah," isa says with a sweet smile on her lips that makes heeseung want to drop to his knees, "do you want to know?"

"yes." heeseung states and the quickness of his response shakes isa and him, but isa has a better way of hiding it than he does.

isa twirls her fingers in her pretty hair and takes a few steps towards heeseung so now that she's a meter in front of him, the height difference is something that neither of them can ignore as heeseung has his whole head and neck bent down to look at her, "well, he's on the soccer team."

heeseung curses in his head when he figures it's jake that she's talking about and he wishes for a second that he didn't even ask the stupid question until- "and he's always late for class."

"is he?" heeseung feels his confidence return and he's smirking down at her.

"yeah, but i wasn't sure if he liked me or not until very recently."

"oh?" heeseung leans his hands and chin on the broom handle, "and what was the verdict?"

isa smirks back at him and he doesn't know what is about to happen but he knows that this is something he's been wishing for for four years and it's almost everything he's dreamed of as he steps even closer to him. he can smell her perfume as they look at each other with the same want and lust in their eyes.

heeseung felt like he was on cloud nine from it all.

"you guys can go now," their teacher popped her head into the classroom, her eyes scanning its cleanliness before her eyes landed on the two of them, "what're you two up to?"

"nothing!" isa steps back, sweeping up her backpack to throw it over her shoulder, "again, i'm so sorry for being late today! i'm sure it won't become a regular occurrence!"

"it better not be, unless you want to end up like him," mrs park teases them as she nods her head at heeseung who is still leaning over the broom with his jaw clenched. "let's go heeseung, don't want the coach to be madder at you then he probably already is." heeseung shakes his head to clear it, smiling at isa who waves to him over their teachers' shoulder.

their teacher rushing him to practice makes him forget to remind himself to ask isa why she was late for the first time ever today- plus the memories of his and isa's interaction seem like something better to think about.

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