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even with heeseung's wish for your success, you didn't do good on your quiz, which you found out a couple of days after you took it.

you groan as you look over the paper, mentally cursing at the red ink written all over it to show your mistakes.

"what'd you get on it, y/n?" chaehyun, the pretty girl with brown hair who sits beside you, asks.

"fifty-five." you roll your eyes and lazily swing your awful quiz in the air in front of her to see all your teacher's writing.

"hm, well at least you passed right!" she tries to cheer you up with an almost pained smile on her face.

"yeah, i guess." you turn back to the quiz, your eyes glaring at it.

"uh, anyways, i heard that you and heeseung are a thing now."

"what?" you exclaimed loudly, causing other students in your class to turn and glare at you, "what are you talking about?" you lower your voice to speak with chaehyun.

the brunette shrugs, "i heard that you guys were like making out at the party last saturday."

your jaw gaps open. you knew that people would see you and heeseung together at the party, you were in the middle of the room- but you didn't expect people to think that you were dating.

"god, ew!" you put your hands up in defence at the thought, "we are absolutely not a thing- i hate him!"

"yeah, that's what i said- i've heard you guys argue a lot before."

you roll your eyes out of annoyance, the thought of heeseung being your boyfriend leaving a taste of disgust in your mouth (unlike his spit), "yeah, exactly." before you could explain more, your teacher stands up explaining that he wants to go over the quiz to make sure everyone understands it, making you and chaehyun sheepishly smile at each other as she turns back into her seat.


when the end of the day arrives, you make a beeline straight for heeseung's locker to tell him what chaehyun had told you. the idea of what people have been saying made you nervous and you felt your knees bouncing up and down in your seat as the clock seemed to be moving so slowly during your last class.

you wanted jake to know that you're experienced- not that you're dating his best friend.

"what's up, y/n?" you turn at the question and see sunghoon standing there.

"uh, not much." you shrug up at the figure skater.

he nods, "what're you doing here, then?"

"what do you mean?"

"why are you standing at heeseung's locker?"

"oh!" you push yourself off of it, "nothing!" sunghoon gives you a weird look before starting to unlock his own.

"okay, then."

"where is he anyway?"

"he didn't come to school today, texted something about not feeling well."

you nod at sunghoon, "oh, alright. what're you doing now then?"

"i gotta go meet my coach at a cafe, i'm going to a competition this weekend and we need to go over a few things."

"oh really! that's so exciting!" you smile up at your friend, "have fun with your coach then, i guess. good luck this weekend!"

"thanks, y/n." sunghoon clamps his hand down on your head and messes up your hair, chuckling as you let out a "hey!" before he's leaving.

the action makes you think about when jake messed up your hair on the weekend. it sent butterflies down from your chest into your stomach when he did it- but you felt nothing when sunghoon just had.

sunghoon has been your friend since freshman year, so him teasing you didn't bother you at this point- but the fact that he did the same action that jake did did in fact bother you.

it was a friend-like- action when sunghoon did it- but when jake did you thought he was flirting and you liked his attention. you wondered if jake had only done it in a friendly way as well- and it made your heart sink at the thought.

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