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you met up with lee heeseung almost a full twenty-four hours after you had set up the meeting at the side of the school where an outside classroom was.

the outside classroom was something your school had created in the middle of your freshman year. they said that it would create a more open and closer learning environment. so it was at the side of school on a small hill that if you looked over the balcony from you could see the sidewalk below that led around the school and to the street. there was a podium at the front of the classroom that looked over the three rows of benches where the students were able to sit- which is where you sat waiting for lee heeseung who was now fifteen minutes late to the meeting he set up.

your feet swung gently across the pavement under your feet as you leaned back on the bench. the weather was still on the hotter side since it was early september and the summer season technically doesn't end for another two weeks. it was hard to sit there in your own thoughts while you waited for heeseung because your mind kept reminding you that maybe this isn't such a good idea. you continuously almost talked yourself out of it one million times during the past twenty-four hours because you thought the cons outweigh the pros by miles.

but the ultimate goal that by the end of it you would have jake sim as your boyfriend made the cons seem less important.

the door that connected the school and the outdoor classroom opened behind you and an almost cool looking heeseung walked in with his bag swung over his shoulder.

"took you long enough." you grunted out to your enemy..

"sorry sorry, practice ended later and i wanted to shower before i left." heeseung sat down beside you. at the mention of his shower you smelt his shampoo from the subtle breeze outside and you couldn't help but respect that he had some sort of hygiene care. "do you have any second thoughts about this?" he asks next as if he's read your mind somehow.

"to be honest, kinda," you looked at him seriously, "i just don't want to mess this up and it ends badly for everyone."

"it's not going to end badly if we plan it carefully- and we can have as many rules as your little, annoying heart desires, okay?" heeseung tried to reassure you.

"how'd you know i was going to come up with rules?" you ask him, the list you had written down started to feel one thousand times heavier in your skirts pocket.

heeseung shrugged nonchalantly, "because i know you."

you never really took into consideration how much you and heeseung happen to know about each other. you would never call each other your friend but you spend almost everyday together because of your mutual friends. if it weren't for your shared hatred of each other you're sure that you would basically be forced to call each other friends from how much you know. christ, you've even been to each other's houses on multiple occasions.

"i never knew you liked isa." you practically blurt out, mentally going over the things you did know about lee heeseung.

heeseung shrugged again, "i didn't know you had to know."

you roll your eyes, "that's not what i meant." heeseung's annoying laugh cuts you off for a second, "- it's just that you didn't know i liked jake, right."

"i kinda had my thoughts about it."

"what?" your palm slapped against your forehead in pure embarrassment.

"relax- i'm positive jake nor anyone else has noticed." heeseung shoves your shoulder with his.

"then how have you noticed?"

you notice heeseung slowly blink as if he questions himself before he speaks, "because i notice every annoying thing you do- especially when your annoying ass likes my best friend." you scoff at his answer and look at him but he only laughs as he clutches his stomach at your reaction.

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