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if someone had told you that lee heeseung would help get shim jake to fall in love with you, you would not have believed it.

sometimes you like to think that lee heeseung and you have been sworn enemies in every life the both of you had the unfortunate chance of living together- and sometimes you wonder if lee heeseung thinks the same.

you aren't sure what exactly caused you and heeseung to not be able to converse calmly with each other- but you know it started the second you met each other in freshman year. you want to put one hundred percent of the blame on heeseung for your strained relationship but you're too self aware to not be able to acknowledge your own wrong doings (something that lee heeseung definitely can't do!). maybe on certain occasions you shouldn't have said the insult to heeseung that had been resting on your tongue all day- or maybe you shouldn't have flipped him off when passing him in the hallway- and maybe you could have thought of another way to express your dislike of his music instead of unplugging the aux from his phone and yelling at him in front of everyone at the party to "shut your shitty music off because no one wants to hear it!".

but you swear, lee heeseung has done worse to you than you have done to him.

one time in sophomore year, heeseung recorded you throwing up in the bathroom of a party you were at and posted it on snapchat for basically the whole school to see. you never threw up from alcohol again afterwards, but that didn't stop all your peers from calling you the 'ultimate lightweight'. another time, a year later, heeseung spilt his juice box all over you in the cafeteria, leaving your whole chest and shirt drenched and sticky. his excuse for that one was because you weren't looking where you were going. there have been multiple other incidents where lee heeseung has left you angry or humiliated that just furthered the both of you from ever being friends.

though, one good thing did come out of being enemies with lee heeseung: and that was jake sim.

jake sim moved from australia to your hometown in the beginning of your junior year (thankfully a year after heeseung posted the vomit vid). everything about him had caught your eye and unfortunately everyone else's. jake had quickly become the heartthrob of your school and found himself in the midst of a new love almost every other month. heeseung and his friend group took jake sim under their wing almost instantly, parading the school's new heartthrob around with them as if it made their friend group even hotter (it did).

somehow, heeseung's friend group and your own had intertwined sometime during freshman year and became one big group (besides you and heeseung) and unfortunately for all of them, they had to put up with yours and heeseung's constant bickering. when jake had first started hanging out with you all, you tried to keep your fighting with heeseung on the downlow, which worked for maybe the first day before you were almost busting your vocal cords with the volume you were yelling at him with.

if jake thought you an dheeseung's arguing was bothersome or weird he never said anything about it. you remember during one of your first fights with heeseung infront of jake, you saw jake laugh and wink at you, making you stutter out of shock and heeseung mock it for the rest of the day.

it soon seemed like everytime you were with jake, you ended up liking him more and more- even sometimes you could block out heeseung with how lost in thought you were while watching jake interact with your other friends. you never got the chance to be alone with jake- you almost did once when you invited him and the rest of your friends over to swim in the pool last summer- purposefully telling jake the wrong time you told everyone else so that it could be you and him alone for an hour.

though your plans were literally thrown in the garbage when jake showed up with jay and heeseung behind him. you remember the burn on your cheeks when jay asked why you had told him a different time than you had told jake. thankfully they got distracted when heeseung whined that at least they got an invite and how you were apparently stealing his friends.

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