bad day-mark (nct)

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m/n was having a shitty day.

he missed his alarm, waking up 5 minutes before he was scheduled to check in for work. flipping off the covers of the bed, m/n ran into the kitchen, grabbing a packet of oatmeal and some milk, mixing them together before throwing them into the microwave for a minute and half. rushing back into his bedroom, m/n took off his pajamas, throwing them in the laundry basket. he threw on a pressed white shirt, dress pants, and dress shoes before grabbing his id and closing the shared bedroom door.

running back into the kitchen, m/n opened the microwave, burning his hand as he touched the heated porcelain bowl. m/n shrieked in pain, grabbing a towel to hold onto the bowl, setting it on the counter. he looked at his watch, the hands pointing to 8:15. he was already 15 minutes late. picking up his pace, m/n finished the bowl of oatmeal and dropped it in the sink, grabbing his phone and wallet, walking out the door.


this wasn't going well.

one minute the sky was bright and sunny, and the next minute, m/n was walking through the rain. his hair was stuck to his face and his shirt had become see-through by the time he entered the office building. his coworker had rushed to give him a towel before m/n started the trudge upstairs to finish working on the project that was due by the end of the week.

he sat at his desk, scrolling through the different tabs and adding final layers on the design before the his lunch period began, until realizing that his lunch sat inside the fridge at his apartment, forgotten in his morning rush.

"i'm a fucking idiot." m/n said, hitting his head against the desk, wrapping the blanket around his body. "how the fuck did i sleep through my damn alarm."

"m/n, are you coming to eat?" his coworker asked, getting ready to eat with the rest of the team. it was time for him to come up with a quick excuse. "no, i'm just going to finish up this design section before i move on to something else." he said, giving them a quick smile before leaning back in his desk chair. the person gave him a thumbs up, before closing the door behind the group. m/n let out a breathy sigh as he continued working on the design, his stomach growling in hunger.


the clock finally struck eight, m/n ready to go home. packing up all his stuff, he waved goodbye to his coworkers, who had been kind to lend him an umbrella for the walk home. m/n went over to save his desktop, pressing the commands to save.

but it never went through.

the small spiral hovered over the design, the progress he had made halted. m/n sat at his desk for a good two minutes before sighing in desperation, giving up all hope and turning off his desktop without being able to save. he would have to redo the section of the design later. "why didn't i save in between." he groaned, annoyed at himself.

m/n started his walk back home, the umbrella blocking most of the rain. his uniform had completely dried and he was comfortable. the city was beautiful at night. the streets were covered in water and splashes were going everywhere. m/n prayed he wouldn't get hit by the rogue water flying in the air.

until he did.

the car in the lane closest to him ran through a puddle, soaking his dried uniform, mud and dirt caking on his left side. m/n felt like crying at this point. the universe certainly hated him.

he entered his apartment building, water dripping onto the carpet as he started walking to elevator. m/n pushed the his floor's button and the elevator started moving, water trickling from his soaked clothes. walking out of the elevator doors, m/n walked to his apartment, taking out his keys.

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