Paper Memories

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You said, "I'm here for you, always & forever," and was so sure I would be there for you, but look where we are now. Nothing is forever.

You said you were so happy to have met me, that I was unique & a special friend. But then you said I wasn't enough, and let go. 

You said I was amazing and  you were lucky to have me as a friend and now, we don't talk anymore. Some ups and downs are too great to overcome. 

I still keep the little scraps of silver wrappers with running ink, I still read 

the handwritten notes, and the birthday cards of the years past. These papers 

full of sweet words and wishes that never came true; I still carry them, my patchwork 

history as I move through the years, the countries and continents : my heart full of 

paper memories.

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