Class;10:Nipped at the bud

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Lock your heart in a leaden chest,

Lose the key,

Till you're twenty.

Trust me, it's for the best.

Then you won't make mistakes,

And lesser the chance of a heartbreak.

You'll be in control,

Your soul will be pure.

Don't worry there will be plenty of chances,

For romantic dances,

For the sea of emotions to swirl in your heart.

And take you on a roller coaster ride.

A magical twirl under the moonlight,

Where you won't lose sight ,

Of the Prince Charming by your side.

You'll no longer need to hide who you are.

So, hang in there,

Layer by layer, you'll develop into a fine young lady,

Who's strong and can take on the world.

And the best thing is , you won't need to be afraid of someone shady,

Out to ruin your life.

Author's Note: I was inspired to write this after hearing of the tragedy that happened to one of my relatives whose life lacked the advice, guidance and direction that sadly not all mothers can provide. In which respect, I am fortunate.

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