Wild Children

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After this, there's a sea change.
We hold hands in the school halls, we leave love letters in each other's book bags. He catches me in corridors and behind the library, sometimes on the lawn and initiate the most sweetly mundane conversation.
"Mornin' love" "Ive missed you loads" "You're my favourite person" "You keep me sane"
He plants secret kisses all over me. Finds excuses to touch my leg when we're with our friends.

When summer comes around, we turn nocturnal.
We spend our days in each other's houses. We hardly meet our friends anymore. The boys are slightly annoyed, but they understand. "I've never seen him happier" Ross says to me one evening. "Or healthier" adds George. Matty hasn't touched the white substance since that night in the car. We are consumed by each other. He promises the lads to carve out more time for practice, but it's hot in the shed. The heat seeps out of floors and walls, out of everything we touch. It was a particularly hot summer, here in wilmslow, but we take his bike out and head to the city, where roads are wide and all the filthy rich sleep in their beds under the cool purr of air conditioners that never trip or turn off.
'Bastards!' we yell as we ride past their gates, his motorbike roar shattering the silence. Then we roll up to the countryside, stopping at some patch of grass, joined by our friends. Sometimes we buy ice lollies from the man with the ice cream cart, and while he bites into his whole, I suck at the juice until the ice turns white.
"Vampire" he says in a mock shocked tone and I pretend to bite his neck. He pins me to the grass and he lifts up my dress.
We are wild children.

Fell In Love In Stages // a matty healy fanficWhere stories live. Discover now