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I grab my lower jaw and hold it in place because it wouldn't stop chattering, a side effect of molly, I'm sure.
"Here, chew on this" he hands me a piece of gum. Mmmm cherry.
"Alright, let's have it" he says ecstatically while grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the window we came in from. I didn't fight it. I let him lead me to whatever adventure we were blasting off to. He helped me get down from the window and we both squint at the light. When my eyes adjust, I look into his and see his pupils are just as dilated.
We run downstairs, weaving through the endless sea of people and head out the back door. We run to the street lined with cars and he stops in front of a black mustang with a white stripe running through the middle.
"Cool car. Where we going?" I say while attempting to open the passenger side door.
He slams the door shut and says, "you'll see", grinning, "but we're not driving there. I just needed to grab this one thing", he holds up the portable speaker.
He grabs my hand and we take off running like little kids, beelining through people's property till we reach a gate with a No Trespassing sign and we jump the chain link fence that opens up to a field.
He stops dead centre and plops on the ground. "Sit" he says while patting the slightly wet grass next to him and I do, no questions asked. Why am I so inclined to do what he tells me to?
He puts on a song I don't recognise, but the heavy bass fills the space between us. We lock eyes and I instinctively put my hand against his chest. The vibrations make our hearts beat in sync. And every time it hits a high note, I see colours bleeding out of the sky, the grass, out of him.
He spits out his gum, his eyes never leaving mine and I know what's about to go down. I can take a hint.
Without thinking, I straddle his lap and press my lips to his. For a brief moment, he seemed confused. Like he'd never had the other person make the first move before. But now he was kissing me back harder, his hands on my thighs. His fingers felt hot against my skin. It was nothing like I'd ever felt before. A low roar filled my ears, as though I was listening to a shell and could hear the sea. Something inside me unravelled, it uncoiled to the floor and filled the field, every inch of its corners. The world, with its disappointments and iniquities, receded, and I was left with his mouth, which was soft and warm and tasted of cherry and cigarettes. For a moment, the ghosts around me, and within, fell silent.

Fell In Love In Stages // a matty healy fanficWhere stories live. Discover now