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As I'm blow-drying my hair, I get a text from Charlie
- Any plans 4 tonight?
- Nope, no plans as such. Why?
- Lacy tell u bout sum gig?
- She did. I wasn't feeling too well earlier but I feel better now
- Great pick u up @ 7
- I think I just wanna read a book in bed tonight
- Ok 7:30 then dnt be late
- Ugh fine
- ily
- x

When talking to Charlie, it's best to just give in because he does not take no for an answer. This I've learned the hard way. And besides, maybe going out will help keep my mind off him.

I do my make-up and put on the dress dad got me. I look at my white chucks in the corner, all covered in grass stains and mud. My adventure shoes. I opt for the pastel pink ones instead.
I look at the locket once more. This dress doesn't have any pockets so I decide to wear it today. It feels heavy around my neck.
I walk over to my wardrobe and scan the shelves for a perfume. I know exactly what I'm looking for and reach my hand to the back of the shelf for my Tom Ford Lost Cherry.
I inhale deeply and get fresh tobacco mixed with the candy-sweet scent of Luxardo Maraschino cherries. I smile to myself.
I hear the honking and run downstairs.
When I get in the car, Charlie leans in to kiss me. Again, I put up one finger and stop him, not wanting to ruin my lipgloss.
"Come on, babe. You could just reapply it"
"I haven't got it on me"
"Fine" he grunts and plants a kiss on my cheek.

We reach the venue which is a dive bar made of wooden planks that's nestled between a factory and some Department of Transportation building. Nothing to indicate what it actually was, other than a line out the door even though it was only eight. I notice all our friends are already there, lounging against their cars in the car park, smoking cigarettes.
"Heyyyyyyyyyy T, I wasn't sure you were gonna make it. I'm soooooo glad you're here" Lacy greets me with a hug
"Glad to be here, Lace" I say genuinely. She was the only one in the group I actually liked. "Who's playing again?"
"Remember George? The band he's in is playing"
"George? You mean the asshole that did this?" Charlie says aggressively, pointing at the barely noticeable bruise on his left eye.
"Oh get over it, Lee! These things happen" Lacy laughs. "Plus, he's a total babe"
She was always so cheerful. I liked that about her.
So George's band is playing. That means there's a 99% chance he's here. God, I was praying for that 1%. I really hope he doesn't notice me. I'm really not in the mood to let someone down tonight. I still haven't figured out where I stand with Charlie, I don't need him complicating it further.
I hear the song that was playing on the speakers the night we met.
"Let's go in, shall we?" I say as I flick the bud of my cigarette and we head in, Lacy and I arm in arm.
As soon as I enter the door, I see him up on stage.

Fell In Love In Stages // a matty healy fanficWhere stories live. Discover now