Chapter 12 Getting ready

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Lilly's point of view

"I'm so happy your here!" I told Katie as we were getting ready for the dance. She got asked to go with Justin Bieber she said yes of course.

"Me too lets see your dress now!" She said. 

"No its a surprise lets go get ready first." She agreed and I let her take a shower first while I waited I got out all the make up and hair supplies. This was going to be fun. She got out of the shower and it was my turn. I put the music on and stepped into the hott shower. It sent chills up my back. I washed myself from top to bottom. Making sure to shave my legs and wash my hair completely. After I stepped out of my shower I changed into a tank top and short shorts. Okay lets get ready.

Niall's point of view

I waited my turn for the shower. Finally Lilly was done she came out of the bathroom in some slutty clothes I couldn't help but look at her. Her body was perfectly curved I really wanted to grab her. But I told myself to control it. I know she is perfect and my lust could take over if I didn't control it. It seems like she was looking at my abs which I had to agree were perfectly toned. 

Lilly's point of view

"C'mon your hair looks perfect like that." Katie whinned.

"I was going to keep it like that." I laughed at her. My hair was curled and half of it was in a updo and the other half was curled. Katie's hair was all in a updo which was great on her. After we finished our hair we did our make up. I put on eyeliner, eyelash stuff, I also did make up to match my dress for eyeshadow, I put glitter on my eyes and then finished. Katie did more hard core kind of make up which looked perfect on her. After that Katie put her dress and shoes on. And went down stairs to wait for me. I put my dress on honestly this strapless gold dress was perfect it fit me in all the right places. And the best thing is that I had a date to wear this dress with. I put on my golden and white shoes and made my way down the stairs to the rest of the guys.

Nialls point of view 

I saw Katie in her dark purple dress perfect for Justin. I winked at her while she and Justin waited with the rest of the boys for Lilly. I was wearing the black tux and a red tie which pulled the whole thing together. I turned around to see everyone's mouths wide open. I was confused until they all pointed behind me. I turned around to see Lilly in the gold dress I picked out for her. Her hair perfect. Her make up perfect.She was honestly the most perfect thing i have seen in my entire life

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