Chapter 1 The beginning

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Okay this is a story about me and a certain guy lol real life events have happened in this story to me and to Niall okay let's get started.


"I'm so nervous!" I told my mum on the way to an all girls school.  

"What is there to be nervous about?" She laughed.  

"Everything the fact that I'm going to an all girls school and that I don't really have any friends that .are girls! And I can't stay away from boys I think I might die with all the perfume and make up!"  

My mom just looked at me we arrived at the school. Okay back story on all of this. My mom, me and my sister all used to live in America but my mom got a knew job in Ireland and they don't have that many co ed schools here. So my mom sent us both to a all girls school. My name is Lilliana but for short people call me Lilly or Lil. I am in the 6th grade and I'm not girly at all. My sister on the other hand is the most girly girl there is out there other than playing basketball which my whole family but my mom was good at. I look like any other 6th grader out there. I have light brown hair and hazel eyes. At the moment I'm 4'9 or 4'10 I'm not sure all I remember was I was quite tall compared to everyone else. My mom finally kicked me and my sister out of the car. 

"You will do fine." Jessica (my sister) told me as we walked into the school. I walked down to my locker and opened it. The school was still very quite this early. My locker was purple and blue on the inside my two favorite colors. I decorated it before school started at a meet and greet for the teachers. My teachers were all very nice. After I put my lunch in my locker and explored the school. I already saw my sister hanging out with so people soo it looked like she was going to be popular. The morning classes were very boring and totally cheesy. Around lunch time we were allowed to hang out with the all boys school which was like ours but it was for just the boys. I walked outside to see a huge group of boys in the middle of the field my sister was with them too. Total Jessica there. I sat with my neighbor at lunch I kept on looking over there it looked like fun. 

"Lily don't even think about it their to popular for 6th graders like us." Katie said.  

"What do you mean?" I asked confused. 

"Their either in 8th or 7th grade most of the boys are in 7th."  

"Oh do you know any of them?"  

"I know your sister. And the boy in the middle he name is Niall Horan. And my brother of course."  

"The one with the blonde hair?"  

"That's the one him and my brother are very close he comes over like every day." She kept talking in her sweet Irish accent but I zoned her out the blonde headed boy that my sister was with was very cute and looked nice. Who was I kidding I wanted to know him and I wanted to be his.  

*next year 7th grade*  

"C'mon Lil let's go!" My mom yelled at me I was yet again going to be late for my first day of school.  

"I'm sorry." I said as I hoped into the car. That day I was wearing shorts and a purple shirt. By now I was allowed to wear make up. My make up was light but I loved it. Truth be told I was a complete girly girl or at least half of one by the end of the summer. I ran into the school saying hi to a few of my teachers. The school that summer became a boys and girls school. So now we were interacting with boys and girls in the same classroom which was very exciting. I finally made it to my first class of the day.  

"Hey you made it." Called out Niall.  

"Yeah." I blushed. Over the summer Niall became like my big brother. He was over at Katie's almost every day to hang out with her brother and I was there to hang out with Katie. He was alittle over protective of me but I knew it was for good reasons. We had music class to start off our day. 

"What do you want to be when you grow up for attendance?" The music teacher said. She called out Lilliana Adams. 

"Um I want to be an actress or a dancer." I said with a smile. Then she made it to Niall's name.  

"I would like to be a famous singer." He winked. I giggled. Later on that year Niall and I dated for almost two months. Which was weird cause we were soo close. I eventually broke up with him because the fact of him liking someone else my friend Katie told me. He said he was sorry and I didn't believe him. To him it was all a joke. I couldn't forgive him. I went to Katie's house so much the summer between 7th and 8th grade. Since Niall was in 8th grade we decided to clear things up between us and just be friends. 

"And that's how you dance to that song?" Katie asked. 

"Of course it is everyone knows if you want to be the best you gotta dress the best and dance the best too." I laughed. I have been working on my dancing for ages now and I really needed to become famous with this one way or another. 

"That was absolutely the best dancing I've seen in ages." Niall clapped. I ran to give him the biggest hug ever.  

"Maddie you should really try out for the X factor with me."  

"Really? Am I that good?" I asked nervously. Katie and Niall both nodded. My mom and sister both agreed and I entered with Niall and his mom.  

*2010 auditions* 

"Niall is such a great singer." I said to his mom. Niall sang so sick by Ne Yo. As we waited for him to go threw I was just as nervous. We waited and Katy Perry got him into the next round. Me and his mom screamed for joy and the it was my turn.  

"Good luck babe!" He whispered in my ear as I walked on the stage. 

"What's you name sweet heart?" Katy asked me. 

"Lilly Adams." I replied. 

"Okay where are you from? And what are you doing?"  

"Im from America but just moved to Ireland last year. And I will be dancing."  

"Okay whenever your ready.'" I danced my heart out I can't believe I was actually following my dreams. This couldn't be happening. That's when my world turned upside down while I was in the middle of dancing my leg gave out and I broke it. It was horrible my nightmare came true I was rushed to the hospital and I haven't seen Niall since then. We used to keep in touch but nothing since he became a big star with his band. 


"Ugh I hate school." I begged my mom not to leave me at this performing arts school. Today was the first day back after winter break. And I personally hate it here but I love my dancing and singing and acting classe. I picked up singing after I broke my leg back in 2010 on the X factor. And I was pretty good considering I was at this school on a scholarship.  

"Just go dear we will see you in two months." My mom said and she drive off with her boyfriend and my sister. I waved until their car was out of sight. I walked down the hall way as my heels slammed the floor. I was what you called serious about school. Just kidding the only reason I went to school here was because I was obsessed with dancing and singing and acting and this was the only way I could make a living doing it. I wore a black pencil skirt and a white tank top with a black jacket that matched my skit perfectly for my shoes they were about 4 inch high heels that were red. I swear if I didn't wear them I would be the height of a 10 year old boy. I'm about 5'2 yep that's right make fun all you want I think my height is what makes me a bitch. Anyways I walked into the main building because about half the school signed up for this show to be famous. Because if you win you get a contract and become very famous. I walked into the main building and then down into the gym were everyone was. I walked in 'shit this isn't happening again.' I thought. Everyone was completely quite and knowing that I was about to get in trouble for being late.  

"Miss Adams why do thy pride them self on being late?" Mr.Blake asked me. I ignored him and walked over to take a seat next to Katie who also got into the school. 

"Alright now since everyone is here." The head master said glaring at me. "I'd like to tell you who got into the show." I heard cheers of all kinds and since I was here for three reasons I was sure to get in. Yes that's right I'm a triple play. That means I can act, sing, or dance. Whatever you want I got it. "I will say them in random order once you here your name go get your packet where you will find your mentor the person that will be helping you out during the show and all who get in will be leaving on Friday."

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