chapter 2 The mentors and The fight

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Chapter 2 the mentor and the fight

I quickly zoned out and told Katie to wake me up if I got called. 

"Lil wake up your name you were called." "Seriously!?" I was in shock even if I knew I was going to get in I was still shocked.  

"Once again Lilliana Adams!" The head master mrs.orth gave me the evil eye. I jumped up ran (I couldn't really run in heels) over to get my packet.  

"I swear if you mess any of this up you will regret it." Mrs.Orth whispered to me as I received my packet.  

"Katie James." OMG Katie made it in too thank god for that. I opened my packet to see my mentor. 

Name: Lilliana Marie Adams 


Birthday: July 23 1996  

Mentor/s: One direction  

That's when I stopped reading it no way it could be them I didn't think they had time for this. Does this mean I live with them for the rest of the school year? Shit I almost forgot I know Niall oh my gawd this can't be happening.  

"Congratulations to those who made it in!" Mrs.Orth said. And everyone cheered. After that was done it was time for class. I walked with Katie to class. 

"Who did you get?" I asked her. 

"Oh I just got the one and only Justin Bieber!"she said with excitement. 

"You won't believe me if I told I got One Direction." She stopped walking she knew that Niall would be surprised and that she was completely jealous.. 

"Oh my gawd you and Niall living together for five months this will be crazy fucked up shit." I laughed I knew exactly what she meant by that. Finally at my English class. I sat down in the back of the room. I heard whispers of the show and then Mr.Blake started to teacher. I completely zoned out and I grabbed my new iPhone 5 and started to search things on One Direction. 

"Miss Lilly I think we have all had enough of your trouble for one day don't you agree?"  

"Oh um yeah but if I'm leaving the school for the rest of the school year I don't really need to pay attention do I?" Adams-1 Blake-0.  

"Very well if you all think Lilly is correct you might as well do what you please." Everyone toke out their phones or went on Facebook or twitter . 

"Hey thanks Lilly." Josh said. I blushed Josh was the cutest guy in school and to be honest I liked him. To bad for almost five months I wouldn't see him anymore. I went on twitter while the class was still going on only a few people were paying attention. I searched for One Direction their twitter account came up. 

@OneDirection: The lads and I are super excited to meet our kid we are mentoring:)  

Well that's nice I hope it isn't Niall who posted that. The school day was finally over but all the kids who got on the tv show had to stay later for an interview which was fair. 

"Lilliana Adams? It's your turn." One of the assistants told me. I walked into the room where they were doing the interviews. A lady told me to sit down and answer the questions honestly. 

"Hello and what's your name?" The host asked me. 

"Lilliana Adams but you can call me Lil or Lilly." 

"Alright Lil first off tell us what you did to get on this show." 

"I did a dance then I sang." 

"Oh so you do both?" 

"I actually do three things. I'm a singing, actress, and dancer."

“That’s very interesting. What did you do in your audition for the show?”

“Well, I sang I’m yours by Jason Maraz. Then I danced to Heart Beat.”

“Sounds very complicated. Alright I looked at your application and it looks like you broke your leg in 2010 summer?”

“Yes I did. You see I tried out for the X factor and I was doing well but my leg gave out so while my leg was healing I picked up singing. My family thought I was very good so I got a scholarship to this school because of all three.”

“Wow. So for your mentors or mentor who did you get?”

“Well I got One Direction.”

“Aren’t you lucky? I bet you tons of girls wish they were you at the moment.”

“Yeah I’m super excited I like their music so I guess I’m kind of a fan.”

“Alright thanks for talking to me.” The camera turned off. And they told I did great with it. I got out and went to my dorm room. I shared a dorm with Katie and two other girls who hated us.

“Oh your back.” Annie said.  Annie farther owned this school so they had to let her in the school. She was a terrible singer and an okay actress. But either way she did not deserved to be in this school. This was a performing arts school and she sucked.

“Okay bitch chill out.” I snapped. “Where is Katie?”

“I don’t know.” Grace replied. Grace was sweet but since she hung out with Annie all the time I hated her as well. I went down to the hang out room in my building where all of us teens hung out. The TV was open so I grabbed the remote and turned it on. The mentor promotion came on. Everyone saw it that was in the room they all went quite.

“100 teens from across the world. 100 groups or artists mentors. One winner out of the whole show who will it be?” Then there were pictures of all of the teenagers across the screen. I saw my picture it was my school picture from this year. I hate that picture I looked so weird. I watched TV for a bit longer then finally decided to start to pack I was leaving for London on Friday.

“I can’t believe that Lilly got into the show and I didn’t. I am so much more talented than her. And c’mon I’m the biggest One Direction fan out there.” Annie complained to Grace. Wait a minute I didn’t tell her who I got for the mentor. THAT BITCH LOOK THREW MY STUFF! I slammed open my door to my dorm.

“What the hell? You looked threw my stuff again!” I yelled. I pinned her to the floor. I knew this could probably get me kicked off the show. But I didn’t care this was the last time she is looking at my things. 

"What is going on?" Katie said.

"She looked threw my god damn things again!" I yelled still pinning Annie to the floor. She was fighting back as much as she could but it was no use I was stronger. 

"Lil let go you could be kicked off the show." Katie told. I finally got off of her.

"I swear if you look threw my things again you won't see another day." I said to Annie trying to scare her. She just shot me a dirty look and I gave her a worse one back.

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