Chapter 7 Singing in front of One Direction and Simon Cowell

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“WAKE UP! WAKE UP!” Louis said jumping on my bed.

“What I’m tired?” I yawned.

“Well we are going down to the studio today and you are coming no matter what!” He said as he pulled me out of my bed. I finally got up and went into the shower after my shower I put on a pair of leggings and a long sweater. I dried my hair and flat ironed it. My make was light and I was ready to go.

“Woah Lil that’s not what I remember you wearing when you were younger.” Niall said as I walked down the stairs with a pair of vans in my hand.

“Well people change let’s go!” I said. We all went into the van.

“We might actually be early for the recording today.” Paul said. We eventually arrived at the studio. Paul toke me on a tour of it while the boys were talking to their management.

“So that’s the studio want to record a song?” Paul asked.

“Um sure.” We went into the recording place and Paul said whenever you want you can start. I started to sing Moments by One Direction. I sang and when I finished I opened my eyes to see mouths open and 6 more faces looking at me. I went out of the recording room to where everyone was.

“Woah that was amazing!” Harry said. I felt my face go bright red.

“That is going on your CD for the competition.” Simon said to me.

“Um Simon this is Lilly. Lilly this is Simon.” Liam said to both of us. We shook hands.

“Pleased to meet you.”  I said.

“You too.” Simon said.

“Lilly your voice is really amazing!” Zayn said.

“I agree that is going on the CD okay no ifs no ands or no buts!” Louis said. I nodded my head I was getting kind of hungry so I decide to grab my bag and get a candy bar from Ireland out. I was about to eat it when Niall toke it out of my hand.

“Niall give it back!” I yelled he ran down the hall way with it.

Niall’s point of viewJ

I was hungry and I saw Lilly have my favorite candy bar in her hand from Ireland I really wanted it. I grabbed it out of her hand ran away with down the hall way of the studio. I unwrapped it because I thought she was done chasing me down.

“Niall James Horan give me back my candy bar!” Lilly said tackling me to the ground. She pinned me down and grabbed the candy bar.

“You think your all high and strong pinning me down eh?” I asked her as I got her off of me and pinned her down. Hey I work out now and I’m stronger than I was when we were younger.

“Get yo sinky ass off me!” she screamed struggling under me.  I laughed at her because she used to be able to get me off.

“This isn’t funny Niall get off and give me my candy bar!” I eventually got off and gave her a half-eaten candy bar. She gave me a dirty look and walked away. 

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