chapter sixteen!

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the boy closed his eyes, his mind was clouded. his elbows rested on the desk while his head hung down gently in his hands, he was exhausted. this herbology lesson had been dragging on for ages.

it was a monday morning, and draco hadn't spoken to him since thursday. still, harry had no clue what he did wrong. no matter how hard he'd try to talk to draco, the blonde boy would just shove past him in his usual rude manner.

it hurt potter, after all he did have very strong feelings towards the blondie.

"harry, wake up." a voice echoed; but the brunette just ignored it while he kept his eyes slammed shut.
"harry!" the voice spoke again, and harry became very annoyed.

with hesitation, he opened his eyes and looked up to see his ginger friend staring down at him. harry stood up from the desk so they were nearly the same height.
"whats up with you? you've been sleepy all day" ronald said, his voice laced with genuine concern.
"i'm fine, just tired." harry shrugged as he threw his bag over his shoulder and followed the ginger out the room.

"i'm going to the dorms." harry said, not giving ron time to argue as he walked straight past him. the brunette looked down at the floor as he walked towards the gryffindor common rooms, and then into his dormitory.

without a second thought, he toppled onto his bed and closed his eyes, not caring that he was still in his clothes as he let sleep overtake him.

"harry." a knock was heard at the door to the dorms, and harry stirred awake. he let out a groan off annoyance as he sat up and wiped his eyes with the back of his hand.
"who is it?" he spat, even after that nap he was still tired.
"its me, draco."

but them three words made harry jump up out of surprise. he flattened down his hair — or at least tried too — before walking to the door and opening it.

there stood the blonde boy who had been ignoring harry for days, but now he had decided to finally see him?
"granger uh— hermione, told me you'd be here." draco shrugged as he looked inside the dorm, hinting for harry to invite him in.

but instead, he closed the door slightly more to make a point.
"come on harry." draco pleaded, but harry didn't give in.
"why are you here?" he asked in an instant, and draco sighed.
"i feel bad for how things ended, i shouldn't have avoided you for ages. i'm sorry, we should talk."
"so talk." harry spat, folding his arms.
"we should end this thing — whatever it is." draco stated, and harry felt a pain in his chest. 

of course, he knew what ever happened between draco and himself was over. but hearing the blonde boy admit it aloud, it was heartbreaking.

"uh— why?" he knew he had to ask, even if he'd hate the answer.
"i-i don't like you anymore harry, i lost feelings." a complete lie. but draco couldn't tell harry that, of course.

harry's eyes widened at that response. what did he do wrong? why did draco lose feelings?


"okay." he mumbled, and quickly slammed the door shut on draco's face so he wouldn't notice the tears streaming down harry's face. pushing his back up against the door, harry cried. he let it all out.

a couple hours had passed and ron had just entered the dorm. harry was sleeping on his bed, the covers wrapped protectively around his body while he let out soft snores.

ron sighed as he looked at his tired friend, wondering what had happened to him the last few days.

sleep eventually took over all the gryffindors, but not all the slytherins. draco lay awake as he stared up at his ceiling. he refused to cry, it wouldn't get him anywhere.

he did this to himself, after all. he chose to break up with harry, and it was to protect him. it was the right thing to do. so why does it hurt so goddamn much?

he sat up in his bed and threw on his dark green sweater, and smoothed his hair back down immediately after. standing up and walking out the dorm, draco had no idea where he was going.

maybe a walk would help him lose some energy so he could get some sleep? whatever, he was willing to try anything.

"draco!" a squeaky voice sounded, and draco jumped with surprise.
"what the— pansy?" he questioned, noticing the black haired girl who stood before him. "why are you out of bed?"
"i'm not tired. you?" pansy asked, and then begun walking besides draco down the hallway.
"got some stuff on my mind."
"what?" pansy asked, nudging her friend with her elbow playfully. "boy problems?"

draco's eyes widened, he forgot he had told pansy about draco liking boys. that was awkward.
"yes, actually." draco shrugged.
"wanna talk about it?" the girl asked, batting her eyelashes in a sweet manner.
"no." he quickly shut that idea down.

draco knew if he started talking about harry, he wouldn't be able to stop. and knowing him, he'd say too much and expose himself — and he'd rather not do that.

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