chap three!

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draco sat there, on his bed in a confused state. he was aware he was missing breakfast, but he didn't care.

what did this mean? that it wasn't a dream afterall? had he seriously saw potter that night and the boy gave him his hoodie? how didn't draco remember any of it? was he actually that tired that he forgot?

draco tugged the hoodie off his body and held it in his bare hands. why did it have to be so god damn soft?

the boy threw it on his bed and made his way to the bathroom to start getting ready for the day. he had potions first again, which he was dreading because he knew potter would be there.

after draco looked presentable, he left his dorm and made hus way to the potions room, where most of the students already were. harry potter included.

"draco!" his girlfriend said, running up to him and hugging him. "where were you?" she asked, pulling away from him. draco felt his cheeks go pink, he could feel all eyes on him and pansy, and he bloody hated it.

"i overslept." he spat, pushing her smooth hands away from him with a sneer. pansy's face saddened as she walked away, taking her normal seat wirh blaise.

draco just sighed as he silently made his way to his desk. thankfully, most of his piers had begun their own conversations, so draco could finally breathe again.

he sat down on his seat and glanced over to potter, and waited silently for him to make a sassy remark. but it never came, instead he said something else.

"if you're not into pansy you should break up with her." he said, keeping his eyes fixated on his hands that rested calmly on the desk.
"what? i am into pansy." draco said, although it didn't sound very convincing.

"then act like it. you treat her like garbage." he spoke up again, and draco's brows furrowed.
"it's none of your business." draco retorted, not knowing how else to respond.

as the two boys remained seated in silence, it was driving draco mad. why wasn't potter talking about last night? he made no sassy remark like draco had assumed, he didn't even look bothered.

the rest of the lesson consisted of snape lecturing gryffindors, and potter breathing — which of course got ten points taken away from gryffindor.

draco made his way to the great hall, and sat down with his usual group. blaise begun talking about how he had recently befriended the weasle, which made draco spit out his pumpking juice.

"he is a nice guy." blaise shrugged.
"he is a WEASLE. and he is friends with potter!"
"there you go again, back to potter." pansy mumbled from beside draco.

the blonde turned to his girlfriend and narrowed his eyes at her. "what is that supposed to mean?" he growled.
"you're so obsessed with him! just because ron and hermione are friends with him, doesn't mean that are like him!" pansy said, rolling her eyes at draco.
"and here you go back to hermione." draco spat.

"she is my friend, draco! you can't control who i am friends with." pansy said, her voice slowly rising.
"yes i bloody can! my father will hear about this."
"god, shut up you two." blaise laughed.

"ron is a nice dude, and if pansy says hermione is too, then she is. let's leave it at that." blaise said with a smirk, and draco just rolled his eyes.

"how about we all hang out today?" pansy suggested.
"what?" the blonde asked, his eyes widened. did she mean potter?
"like in the slytherin common room, us and hermione and ron." she said and draco's eyes widened.

"ron and hermione don't go anywhere without potter. if they hang out with us, he is bound to come." blaise noted, and pansy nodded silently.
"more reason why this is a bad idea!"
"shush draco, the adults are talking." blaise said, and turned back to pansy.

"then potter can come." the black haired girl said, and draco went bright red.
"alright, then its settled." blaise smiled, ignoring draco. "who should go invite them?"

"draco. you go do it." pansy said, giggling gently.
"are you insane? i will do no such thing!" draco said, folding his arms.
"gosh fine, i'll do it." blaise said as he stood up and stalked away.

draco's eyes stared at the gryffindor table, where his best friend was now talking to the golden trio.

his eyes squinted as he tried to lipread the conversation, but his eyes found their way to potter's lips and didn't even bother trying to figure out what he was saying. he simply just... stared.

then when his eyes travelled up the boys face, his and potter's eyes locked. the gryffindor was smirking, since he just caught malfoy staring at him. draco's cheeks went pink as he looked away quickly. his eyes stayed fixated on the table until blaise finally returned.

"how did it go?" draco quickly asked.
"good, they're coming to our common room after last period." blaise smiled, and he and pansy shared a high five.

draco sunk in his seat, he was going to hate this.

unwillingly, his eyes drifted to a certain gryffindor's face once again. potter looked back at him and instantly smirked, and they contained eye contact. draco was not going to be the first to look away, that was for sure.

although, when potter winked at the blonde, draco quickly looked away. fuck, his cheeks were warmer than ever before. there was no way he was blushing over that idiot. why was he winking at draco anyway?!

he secretly looked back over to the boy to see harry trying to cover his laughter with a cough. draco's eyes narrowed as he looked away, trying his best to concentrate on whatever pansy was blabbering on about now.

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