chap eleven!

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why did that stupid idiot always have to be late? draco's leg bounced off the floor as he waited impatiently for potter to arrive at their spot.

he had thought about what he was going to say, but he couldn't think of anything. so instead of coming up with a plan, draco decided he'd just have to wing it.

the question harry had asked him in class, "people have seen us talk before, whats the problem now?" it was a good question. what was different?

maybe it was draco's paranoia again. he believes that just because he knows about his and potters relationship, everyone else will if the two boys are seen together. of course, this isn't true, but draco couldn't help but overthink.

"hey." finally.

"you're late, potter." draco groaned, but stood up nonetheless. harry grinned as he walked towards him and kissed the boy on the cheek gently.
"oops." harry giggled, and draco smiled back at him.

"now spill, what just happened?" harry instantly asked, almost begging for a reasonable answer.
"i got nervous harry, you have to understand." draco looked down to the floor. "i'm so scared of people finding out, if it ever got back to my father who knows what he'd do."

"listen draco, i'm not an idiot. i know your father has hit you before." harry said bluntly, and draco's cheeks went pink with embarrassment. how did harry know that?
"i'm sorry draco, you deserve better."
"its whatever."
"no, its not. its horrible, and i wish i could kill that son of a bitch." harry said, and draco turned to look at him with an amused facial expresion.

"i think thats one of the first time's i've heard you swear." the blondie laughed, and harry just shrugged.

"i understand you being scared draco, i really do." harry mumbled, "but the way you make me feel, when you refuse to talk to me in public... it makes me feel horrible. its like your embarrassed."

"what?" draco's eyes widened at his partner, a lump forming in his throat. "no! no, no thats not it, i promise. its just— i'm so anxious harry. i'm sorry." the boy quickly denied, not wanting that thought to be in harry's mind for a second longer.

of course draco wasn't embarrassed, this was harry bloody potter they were on about! the famous baby, the 'chosen one' what on earth is there to be embarrassed about?

"yeah, i guess." harry shrugged to himself, looking across the view. draco moved to stand besides him, and he also looked out into the distance.

"i promise harry. i'm not embarrassed of you, i-i l—i really care about you." draco said, trying to ignore the words that nearly slipped out of his mouth.
"okay, i believe you." harry mumbled, and the two boys stood their in silence for multiple minutes until the bell rang for lunch.

"i'll see you later." harry said, picking up his bag and walking down a few steps.
"where are you running off too? we are going the same direction."
"don't you think people would start to get suspicious if we showed up together, after free time? then they'd definitely know something was going on." harry said as he and draco were now walking down the deserted hallways side by side.

"on that note, what exactly is going on here?" the blonde boy couldn't help but ask.
"i don't like labels." harry stated bluntly. "lets just say, i like you and you like me." and draco laughed at that.
"alright." he agreed.

after draco had entered the great hall, he ordered harry to wait twenty seconds before he too entered the room — as he was still paranoid.

it hurt harry, but he didn't bother opposing.

draco sat down in his usual seat and was greeted by his two friends like normal.
"hey." blaise nodded to him.
"hey bro. pans." draco said, and pansy smiled at him.

then the trio fell into casual conversation as they munched on their food. draco spared knowing glances over to the gryffindor table, he found himself simply staring at harry for an extremely long time.

the blondie ripped his eyes away from him as a sudden sense of paranoia washed over him. if someone had caught him just now, he would he screwed.

and then, involuntarily, draco's mind went back to his recent conversation with harry. he could've sworn he was so close to saying a phrase draco would've never guessed he'd ever say to anyone.

he was so close to saying 'i love you'.

and to harry potter of all people? this was so unexpected, all so overwhelming.

did draco actually love that ravenette, did he actually want to tell harry this? even if he did, or didn't, draco tried to not think about it. he and harry had only been in a relationship, or whatever they called themselves, for a few weeks now. this was all too fresh, and draco knew he couldn't rush love.

but even after draco's efforts to push that stupid sentence out his mind, the words lingered as it became the only thing he could think about.

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