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Today has been a wild day, I just completed all the requirements for my PHD in Library Science, got an offer from a well-known publishing company to publish my thesis on Creative Writing, plus a contract for two more books, and found out I am pregnant.

My name is Jillian Grace Cole, and I am married to Chad Cole, we are twenty-eight years old and have been married for three years. We met as college freshman and have been a couple since our first date. When we finished our four-year degree, he decided he was done and got a job in his father's Tech Company. He was fine with me finishing my studies, especially as I received Scholarships to pay for my degree.

I have always loved studying and learning new things, now I will be able to write what I want. The Publisher is printing my thesis to be used as a college textbook, and the contract says I can write whatever I want even fiction for the next two books. Also, my Dissertation subject combined creative writing and the psychology of being an identical twin, is being reviewed for publication. I was given an advance on my contract of $500,000.00 because the thesis has already been sold and I have two years to produce the other books. I am so excited to tell Chad all of the good news. Now we have the money for a new house and money left over.

While I was in the meeting I received two texts, one from my husband. He is headed over to my parents as we are having dinner with them tonight. My identical twin sister, Monica Ruth Morgan, is in town. She got here last week, but I have been too busy to visit. My husband has been by a couple of times, because my mother calls him to come do things around the house, like change light bulbs and things. My sister is a famous model and only visits every few years. Our parents usually visit her in LA a couple of times a year. She and I have never been super close and not at all as adults. She has always been our mother's favorite as their personalities are so similar and I have always been quiet and loved books.

The other text was from my best friend Sarah, she is Chad's twin sister. She is married to Ryan, and they have two children, son Dylan age five and daughter Mia age three. She is a freelance reporter for the New York Times. She knew about my meeting and doctor appointment today. When I called her back, she was so excited to hear my news that she is leaving her preschoolers with Ryan and meeting me at my parent's house. She cannot wait to see Chad's face when he hears the news.

We arrived at my parent's house at the same time, and Chad's car was already in the driveway. We giggled our way into the house, and no-one was in the living room, or kitchen area. We walked through the house toward the bedrooms and heard voices. I stood outside the guestroom and debated opening the door, as I had a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach when I heard Chad's voice. Sarah had no problem with opening the door and reached around me and pushed the unlocked door open. I gasped loudly and almost fainted when I saw my naked husband lying on his back and my sister on top of him. Sarah screamed at them telling Chad to get up and dress now. Monica just looked over her shoulder and very slowly got off of my husband smirking the whole time.

I could not say a word but was not surprised at my sister doing something like this, as she has always taken everything from me since childhood. I was more shocked at my husband as he knows our history, so why would he betray me like this, especially with her. He threw on pants and ran toward me with his hands out saying I am so sorry, I couldn't help it, she is so sexy and seduced me. I backed away and found my voice and said, "Do not touch me, you are dirty now. I saw you did not wear a condom; don't you know she probably has an STD. I told you how she is, and you promised you would never touch her. Now you will never touch me again."

Chad looked horrified when I said she probably had an STD, and said, "You never told me that part. You just said she takes everything of yours." Sarah slapped her brother and said you fool, now you have ruined your marriage with the best person in the world and Jillian is pregnant. Before she could say anything else, I grabbed her arm and shook my head so she wouldn't tell the other news.

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