Stories of Betrayal #6

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Destiny was going crazy, where was Charles, he is late again. She received a text message that said, "Working late, I will still pick up Sundae from my parents." That made Destiny mad as he was supposed to pick their eighteen-month-old daughter up, visit with his three kids from his marriage, and come straight home. The kids didn't like her, and she didn't like them. She is still mad because Charles would be late coming home, maybe she would just go get Sundae now.

The kids are Charlie, who changed his name to Mike his middle name after the divorce, is fifteen. Charlotte is thirteen, and the youngest Andrew is nine, they all blame her for breaking up their parents' marriage. They are still angry even after almost two years. They are sweet to Sundae, but barely speak to her. She overheard Charlotte one day telling her brothers, that their mom Beth had said it was not the baby's fault their dad left, and they were to be polite always to both of them.

While Destiny appreciated the fact that Beth told her children to be polite, she still resented the ex-wife. Destiny had worked as a telemarketer and now stays at home; Beth had started out as a proof-reader for a publishing company and is now an editor. Destiny wants Charles to sue for money from his ex-wife and stop paying child-support. Charles's parents heard her one day and pitched a fit, saying those are Charles's children and he will help support them.

In fact, his mother and father have set-up visitation at their house every other weekend, so the children never have to come to our house. Destiny knows why they did it, because they want to see their ex-daughter-in-law. She knows they don't like her and still love Beth.

Beth thirty-seven, and Charles forty met when Beth was sixteen and dated all thru high school and college. They had been married for sixteen years when they were divorced two years ago. Destiny was only twenty when she met Charles at a bar. He was with co-workers from the local television station he worked at as a news reporter. She flirted with him until he responded, and they had an affair. They have been living together now for two years, as Destiny was pregnant. Destiny is not happy that Charles has not agreed to marriage yet. He keeps coming up with excuses.

When Destiny heard that the other grandchildren would be visiting every other weekend, she insisted that her daughter be included. Destiny had at first been suspicious when Charles insisted on visiting the children at his parents without her but decided since Beth is 'old' she doesn't have anything to worry about.

When Destiny pulled into the grandparent's driveway, she was shocked that Charles's brother and sister cars were there, along with Charles jeep. She got out and walked around the house where she could hear laughing.

When she rounded the house, she saw all of the family including Beth having a birthday party. She was furious because the family was surrounding Beth as she cut a cake. Charles's mother and his sister Diana were helping Beth and the three of them were laughing as they served cake to everyone else. It flew all over Destiny that Beth looked beautiful, classy, slim, and very fashionable. Destiny still needed to lose some baby weight from her pregnancy, and she is dressed in cut-off jean shorts and old tee shirt.

Charles was the first to see her, but she didn't care this was her family not Beth's. Destiny started screaming, "What is going on here? Why is she here, this is my family not hers?" Everyone got really quiet, and Charles got Destiny by the arm saying, we are just having cake for Beth's birthday. Why did you come here now, I told you I would bring Sundae home?

Destiny wasn't having it, she started screaming at everyone and went to grab her daughter from Charlotte. She scared Sundae who started crying and Destiny made a fist and hit Charlotte in the face as she grabbed the baby. She left Charlotte with her nose bleeding and with the crying, scared baby in her arms she went over to Beth and slapped her in the face.

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