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Molly and Steve Hart have been married for eighteen years and have a sixteen-year-old daughter Abigail. She prefers to go by Abby and has her seventeenth birthday next month. She is very excited to graduate and start college next year and live away from home. Her parents are not excited about the moving part, but happy that she is a wonderful young lady. She has excellent grades and makes friends easily. Her best friend since middle school is Megan who lives two houses away.

Molly and Steve seem to have a very loving marriage. Steve is an architect and has worked at his job since college. Molly is a veterinarian and loves her job. She is in practice with her friend Jennifer.

Lately Molly has noticed that Steve seems distracted and doesn't want to talk about it when she asks. They have always had a loving relationship and could talk about anything. Not knowing what is going on, Molly just continues to observe and not nag.

Abby has Spring Break the next week and the plans were to go back to Charleston SC as they have done every year. This year Steve has a business trip and can't go for the seven-day trip. It would just be Molly, Abby, and Megan this year. Megan has gone with them on vacation for the last four years.

After discussing with Jennifer, Molly's best friend and partner, Molly set cameras up in the house without telling anyone. Jennifer's husband David is an attorney and suggested this would be a good way to prove that nothing is going on with Steve. Steve is his best friend and he had not confided anything to David, so he felt like it was just worry from work making him distracted. He promised not to say anything about cameras to anyone, especially Steve. David did not tell Molly, but he had noticed that Steve was distracted and had cancelled their plans more than once.

Abby was very excited about the coming trip. They had been doing this for eight years and there was always something new to explore. Her mom had told her she could drive this year from Charlotte NC where they live to Charleston SC.

As they were loading the car on Sunday, Megan come over to tell them she felt sick, and her mom Amy had tested positive for COVID. Abby started crying because Megan was sick and couldn't make the trip with them. It was very quiet in the car as Abby and Molly left for the week.

When they arrived at Edisto Beach outside of Charleston, they were surprised to see the cute little cabin they had rented. It was adorable, painted blue, and right on the beach. There was a church youth group staying in the house next door, and they included Abby in their fun. Abby had a wonderful week with them and only called Megan twice. She was pleased to hear that Megan was negative for COVID and that her mom had gone back to work.

Molly had a peaceful restful week reading and walking on the beach. She didn't have to worry about meals as Abby ate with her new friends most of the week. On the trip back home they both decided this was their best trip ever but agreed not to tell Abby's dad or her friend.

Molly had not checked the cameras once, as Steve told her he was out of town. When she arrived home, it was the next day before she thought about the cameras. She opened her laptop and found the app for viewing. At first, she planned to just watch what was on them then delete. She had decided in her peaceful time at the beach to not worry about Steve's distraction as it is probably just temporary, and she trusts her husband.

When she finally watched the videos, she was shocked at what she was seeing. Steve was not out of town, and he was having an affair with Megan. She is just a few months older than their daughter and at seventeen years old it is not legal. Steve is forty-six years old, which means he is twenty-nine years older than Megan.

Megan is more outgoing than Abby and has always dressed provocatively like her mom, Amy. There is no father in the picture and Amy has lots of boyfriends in and out of their home. Molly could not believe what was happening and she knows Abby will be destroyed when she finds out.

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