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Rachel Sloan age forty-nine, had just left her doctor's appointment on a Friday. She had heard some shocking news. After worrying about a lump, she had felt in her breast two months ago, she has now completed her annual mammogram and a needle biopsy. The results are that she has an aggressive form of breast cancer, called Inflammatory Breast Cancer stage three. This means that she needs to start chemo treatments immediately. The cancer has not spread to her lymph nodes yet, but this is a fast-growing cancer. The doctor scolded her for not coming in when she first felt the lump.

She didn't tell her it was because her husband said he didn't feel a lump and that she was just imagining she felt one. He also, told her she was just gaining weight and that's why she thought she felt a lump. What he said bothered her as she has actually lost weight recently without trying. She is only 5'2" tall and the most she has ever weight is 150 pounds. That is not overweight at all. She is used to him saying little things like that to her and trying not to have hurt feelings or be so sensitive according to him.

She and Nick age fifty-two, have been married for thirty years as of this coming Sunday. They are celebrating at the insistence of their children Hannah age twenty-nine, and Nathan age twenty-eight. There is going to be a cook-out with some of their close friends in their backyard. As there has been a pandemic for two years, people in their small town in North Carolina are still a little leery of meeting in large groups. Most people were going to stores and church without their face coverings, but carefully.

Rachel was freaking out because of this news and felt like she needed to see her husband. She does not visit her husband's work very often; he is a Marketing Manager in an Advertising Agency. His office is a small satellite office in Wake Forest, NC and the main office is in Raleigh, NC. Wake Forest is a university town where both of their children went to school at Wake Forest University. Hannah is an attorney working in Family Law and Nathan has a Law Enforcement degree, hoping to be accepted in the FBI program soon. He is working for the local Police Department now.

Rachel decided to go by Nick's office as it is almost lunchtime. She needs to talk with him, as her chemo treatments will start in about one week at Duke Medical Center in Raleigh. Depending on her blood count levels she may have to stay in the hospital for her treatments that could take four to six months, then she would have surgery. She is hoping that she can come home between cycles of treatment to recover.

Rachel has worked as a Medical Assistant in Dr. Jacobs Family Practice for over twenty years. This was the closest that she could come to being the nurse she always wanted to be but getting married at nineteen, then having children close together put that dream on hold. Life got in the way of her fulfilling her dreams, when the children started school.

When she arrived at Nick's office, she was glad to see that his was the only car in the parking lot. It was a surprise to find the front door locked, but she knew the code, so it was not a problem. She would surprise Nick, as he is probably taking a nap in his office for his lunch break. She is nervous to tell him her news, but also wanted to keep it light as Nick hated any medical talk. She got her cell phone out and was going to sneak in and take a video of him sleeping at work for their son as he loves to pull pranks on the family.

As she walked quietly down the short hall to her husband's office, she was surprised to hear faint voices. This was a surprise as no other cars were there. She stood outside the closed door and listened. She was shocked to hear a female voice and what she was saying. The strange female was talking about Rachel, saying, "Your fat wife will get a shock when you ask her for a divorce and kick her out of your house. Then we can live there after I get married and divorced from the Miller family and get lots of money." Nick agreed and said yes, she will be shocked. I have let her think for months that I had a health issue with sex, but I just don't want her anymore. The couple were laughing and obviously making out.

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