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My name is Elise age 30, and this is my story of betrayal by my husband and my best friend.

My husband Reid age 35, and I have been married for five years, and dated for two years before marriage. We deliberately waited until we were settled to have children. We own our own home, cars, and have well-paying jobs. I make a lot more money than Reid, and he does not like this to much, but enjoys the benefits. I had also, inherited money from my grandparents, the total amount I have not told Reid. I have been saving the money for our future children, as Reid is a big spender, I just didn't tell him. I am a publisher at a well-known Fashion magazine, and he sales homeowners' insurance.

At the time of my story, I was seven and one-half months pregnant with identical twins. When I stopped birth control, we got pregnant almost immediately. We were both very happy, or so I thought.

My best friend, since middle school, Stella is not married and plays the field with many men. She likes to say, she is not going to be tied down with one man. I loved Stella and trusted her, which was my mistake because I did not realize her true nature.

I trusted my husband, and would have never suspected anything, except I had updated the security cameras, before our babies were born. I had started worrying about needing extra security, as my pregnancy advanced. Since I owned the building, we live in the penthouse, and I rent out the lower apartments, it was an easy update. Most of the cameras were old and didn't work anyway. Living in New York City, I felt the need for added security. Knowing my husband would object to me spending so much, I just hadn't told him yet. It's okay if he spends lots of money, but he complains if I do, even though it's my earnings I'm spending.

After the cameras were installed, I pulled up the app on my phone to check them out. To my surprise, I saw Reid and Stella get off the elevator in our home together, holding hands. I watched them go into our bedroom, undressing, and watched as they had sex on my bed. Well, I didn't really watch, as it made me sick, but I did see what they intended to do. When they moved into the living room, without clothes, and started on our couch, I shut it off immediately.

I was heartbroken and furious but took a deep breath as I did not want to upset my babies, and I was in my office. Normally, the first person I would call is Stella, but that was not an option. So, I phoned my attorney and ask for the name of the best divorce lawyer in town.

After getting the name, Lucy Luckett, which I thought was the greatest name ever for a divorce lawyer, I called for an appointment.

She could not see me until the next day, so I finished my workday as usual, not that I got a lot done, and went home. I was still furious but determined to make them pay for their betrayal.

No one was at home when I got there and as I walked around my bedroom, I knew I could not sleep in that bed tonight. I phoned building maintenance and had the mattress, bedding, and the couch removed and thrown in the garbage. When I was asked about throwing it away, I just told them the things smelled bad. Since I was pregnant, they just acted like it was a pregnant woman quirk.

I went online and ordered a new king size mattress, bedding, and couch to be delivered as soon as possible.

It wasn't long before Reid came home, and guess who showed up with him, of course Ms. Slut, Stella. Reid said, "Look who I found coming off the street, we can have dinner together." I said, "Go ahead and order something in tonight, I don't feel like cooking or eating. I am having a little nausea today."

When Reid tried to hug me, I leaned away saying, "Oops, no hugs. Still queasy." Stella looked around and said, "Where's your furniture?"

I told them that "I had maintenance haul it and the mattress out, because when I got home it smelled like a prostitute with multiple STD's had been in here. The stench was terrible and almost rotten. I guess we must have had smog today that came through the windows or something." The look on Stella's face was priceless, and Reid looked kind of sick to his stomach. I loved it, and kept on talking about the smell, until Stella said she couldn't stay for a meal and needed to leave.

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